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Adding a Funnel Email Address as a User in Google Ads

Add a Funnel Email Address as a User in Google Ads to be able to automate reports from Google Ads to Funnel.

Kelsey Maynard avatar
Written by Kelsey Maynard
Updated over a week ago

Scheduling reports from Google Ads to a non-user, Funnel email address, prompts a login before downloading the report. Funnel cannot handle reports that require a login first. To bypass the login, the import email address must be added as an Email Only USER in Adwords.

Add a domain in Google Ads

By following these steps, you will be able to integrate the or domain seamlessly into your Google Ads account.

  1. Log in to the Google Ads account you wish to work with.

  2. On the left navigation bar, click on "Admin"

  3. From the drop-down menu, choose "Access and security"

    1. Be sure you are in the Security section

  4. Locate the drop-down arrow for "Allowed domains"

  5. Replace "" with "" in the provided field.

  6. Finally, click on "Save" to save the changes.

If you had no domains listed under "Allowed domains" before, when you go back to the "Users" section of "Access and Security," you will notice small orange caution triangles next to all previous users. To resolve this, simply add all the required domains to the "Allowed domains" dropdown.

Add email address as a User in Google Ads

To add a Funnel-specific email address as a User in your Google Ads Account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Google Ads account you wish to work with.

  2. On the left navigation bar, click on "Admin"

  3. From the drop-down menu, choose "Access and security"

  4. Click the blue "+, Add", button.

  5. Paste your unique email address underneath Email where it says Email address

  6. Select Email only. If you select a different option, it will not work.

    1. Do not select Disapproved ads and policy alerts, Campaign maintenance alerts, Ideas for improving campaign performance, or Industry-specific newsletter and product evaluation opportunities. (If an email is sent to your data source with just text and no report attached, it will break the data source.)

  7. Click Send invitation

To verify that the invite has been sent to the designated email address, check the "Pending invitations" section within the "Users" tab of the "Access and security" settings. The status will display as "Awaiting response" until the invitation is accepted.

Accept the invitation to access the Google Ads account

To start receiving automated reports from Google Ads, follow these steps to accept the invitation

  1. Go to the Data Sources tab of your Funnel workspace and locate the file-import data source.

  2. Look for an email with the subject line "Invitation to receive email notifications about a Google Ads account" and open it.

  3. Within the email, find and click on the "ACCEPT INVITATION" button.

  4. After clicking the button, a pop-up window should appear, indicating that your invitation has been accepted.

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