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Learn how to map/group/merge your data in Funnel

Ross Barrett avatar
Written by Ross Barrett
Updated over a week ago

Funnel’s catalog of data transformation features is what separates us from other tools on the market. Feeding raw data from your marketing platforms into a data warehouse or visualization tool can be beneficial for a small number of use cases, but the real value is obtained when the data is cleaned, mapped and segmented in a way that makes sense to you.

Funnel can transform your data in multiple ways. With data normalization and converting currencies aside, you can also create Custom Dimensions and Metrics.

Custom Dimensions

Instead of reporting on data separately, you can create a simple set of rules to combine data across multiple sources. This is extremely beneficial when looking at how a particular market, channel, product or media type is performing:

You can also use dimensions to combine tracking data with data from your advertising platforms:

To learn more about other uses for dimensions and articles on getting started, please follow the link below:

Custom Metrics

In the majority of cases, simply reporting on native metrics from your marketing platforms is insufficient. Perhaps you want to calculate return on investment or subtract VAT from the cost across multiple sources.

In Funnel you can create custom metrics based on dimension values (Rules) or using simple mathematic formulas.


Creating metrics using formulas is a great way to calculate simple metrics such as ROI or ROAS:

Formulas can also be used to quickly normalize metrics across all of your marketing sources:


Using rules is a great way to create metrics based on dimension values. For example, you can easily apply a unique margin/agency fee to individual campaigns/sources.

Another common example is using rules is to subtract VAT from the cost per market:

To learn more about other uses for custom metrics and articles on getting started, please follow the link below:

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