You can now securely share multiple dashboards with external users using our portal feature. A single portal can host multiple dashboards, and you can add or remove dashboards as required.
Guidelines and requirements
You must have at least one dashboard in your Funnel app.
Create a branding template for your portal, if needed. If you are on the Free or Starter plan, the default template with Funnel branding is applied to the portal.
Users don’t need a Funnel subscription to access the portal, but they must create a Funnel account to view it.
Complete the following steps to share multiple dashboards using a portal:
(Optional) Specify the branding for your portal.
Create a portal.
Select Workspace Admin > Portals > + Create portal.
Enter the following details:
Portal name
(Optional) Select a Brand template for the portal. If you don’t select a template, the default template with the Funnel branding is applied to the portal.
Enter a description of the portal.
Click + Create portal.
Funnel creates a portal that you can see in the Portals page.
Add dashboards to the portal.
Select the portal by clicking it.
Click Select dashboards.
Add the dashboards that you want to share with your user from the drop-down list.
Click Apply to add the selected dashboards to your portal.
Note: Alternatively, you can also add a dashboard to the portal from Dashboards page as well:
In the Dashboards page, select a dashboard.
Select Share > Add to portal.
Select the portal.
Click Apply to add the dashboard to the portal.
(Optional) Preview portal before you share it with your users.
Share the portal with users.
In the Portal users section, click Invite user.
Enter the user’s email address.
Click Invite user.
The user will receive an email with a link to access the portal. External users don’t need a Funnel subscription to view the portal you shared. However, they must create a Funnel account to view it.
Watch a video
Watch this video on how to create portals.