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How to work with Dashboards
How to work with Dashboards

Use Funnel's new Dashboards to quickly visualize all of your data

Peter Lundberg avatar
Written by Peter Lundberg
Updated over a month ago

Funnel Dashboards allow you to analyze all of your performance data and prove the ROI of your marketing efforts all in a single place.

To get started with our Dashboarding feature, click on the “Dashboards” option in the left navigation menu. While we've tried to make our Dashboards straightforward and easy to use, below are some helpful pointers to quickly get you up and running.


To create your first Dashboard all you need is to have connected at least one Data Source. Then you can just click on the Create Dashboard button, add one or several charts, and then save it. You will find your new Dashboard in the list.

Create dashboard from template

Creating a Dashboard from a template can be a simple and efficient way to start your work with a well-structured and customizable solution. It saves time and provides a solid foundation to build upon.

Start by clicking on Template Gallery in your Dashboard.

Browse the available options and select a template that suits your needs and goals.

Press Use template.

Connect required data sources.

Press Create dashboard.

And you should see your dashboard.


You can view an existing Dashboard by clicking on it in the list. When viewing a Dashboard you can use the date range filter (and compare to), as well as any Dimensions filters that might have been added, like Traffic Source. The link for the Dashboard is unique so you can bookmark it or share it with a colleague.

You can interact directly with some charts, like ordering a column in a table. You can also go from any chart to further exploring it in the Data Explorer by clicking on the chart and then click "Show in Data Explorer" in the side panel.


When editing you can move cards around in a drag-and-drop canvas. When you've selected a card, options like what Metrics and Dimensions to use as well as adding a chart title or adding value labels can all be found in the right side panel.

Add chart

Use the 'Add Chart' button at the top.

Here is what you can add to your Dashboard:

  • Line Chart: Perfect for visualizing how your metrics evolve over time. Comes with a cumulative option.

  • Combo Chart: Observe trends and correlation between two metrics

  • Stacked bar chart: To show time series data as stacked bars.

  • Bar Chart: Ideal for side-by-side comparison of values.

  • Scorecard: Displays a total as a prominent, large number

  • Table: Explore detailed data with rows and optional bar visuals for easy cost comparison.

  • Pivot table: Automatically group, aggregate, and summarise large datasets to simplify complex data, making trend and pattern analysis more accessible.

  • Metric breakdown: Shows a metric broken down by a dimension with the metric value displayed as a number and a bar with a sparkline showing the trend per dimension value.

  • Text Block: Add context or explanations to your dashboard

Fields and filters

Clicking on "Fields and Filters" allows you to choose which Dimensions and Metrics are available to use in your Dashboard. You can also filter the data on Dimensions. Just like the date range, this affects how much data needs to be fetched to the dashboard which can speed up load times or fix issues where you get an error for too much data volume.

Filter assistant

The Filter Assistant is a feature designed to make your data fetching more efficient and performant. By analyzing your chosen fields, the Filter Assistant identifies opportunities to add filters to your dashboard, reducing data load times and improving overall dashboard performance.

Other filters

Here's a quick video showing how the different filters in Dashboards behave in your final reports:

Filter for agencies working with multiple clients in one workspace:

There is always a Date Range set to choose what time period to get and display the data in the dashboard for. The date range preset used when editing the dashboard is saved as the default when viewing the dashboard.

When editing you also choose which Currency to display monetary metrics in. Which are available can depend on connected Data Sources and can be adjusted in the Currencies left nav entry.

You can also press on "Dashboard filters" to add a dimension to allow viewers to quickly slice what is being displayed.


Removing a dashboard is done by selecting "Delete" and confirming from the Dashboards listing page.


You can share your Dashboards with users who are not part of Funnel, making it easier to collaborate and provide insights to external stakeholders. When you share a Dashboard, it will be visible to anyone who has the link.

Go to the list view and select the Dashboard you want to share.

Click the Share button at the top of the page.

Copy the generated link and share it with your intended audience.

Copy Dashboards Between Workspaces

The ability to copy dashboards between workspaces can be a helpful feature for saving time and ensuring consistency across projects or teams.

Press Copy between Workspaces at the top.

Select the workspace you want to copy dashboards from and the workspace you want to copy them to. Press Next.

Select the dashboards you want to copy and press Next.

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