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API Updates - How do I migrate my Setup in Funnel?
API Updates - How do I migrate my Setup in Funnel?

Steps to take to migrate your dashboards and Funnel setups after API updates

Corinna Storch avatar
Written by Corinna Storch
Updated over 7 months ago

From time to time, platform providers require Funnel to update API connections to a newer version. This may relate to changes in their UI, data protection policies etc.

As a consequence, Funnel will ask you to migrate your setup to the new version. After a certain period, that we will communicate, the old API version will reach the end of life and thus, the fields will be deprecated in Funnel. The API version change impacts your data sources, potentially custom dimensions, metrics, and data shares. This sounds scary but no worries - we got you! In the following steps, we will guide you through the action points you must take.

1. Evaluate whether your data shares and Funnel dashboards are impacted by the change

Go to your Funnel dashboards and Data Shares and check:

  • Am I using the platform in question?

  • Which fields (custom or native) am I using in my dashboards that are affected?

If you have many data shares and Workspaces in your subscription, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager, who can provide you with a bespoke list of affected Data Shares or Dashboards per workspace.

2. Plan on replacing the old fields

Since fields from old API versions will be deprecated in most cases, you need to plan whether you can replace the old fields with fields from the new API version. Read more about the deprecated fields and new fields in the article “What data can I get from…”. We recommend that you

  • Plan which fields you need from the new API version. Often the platforms offer mapping tables between old and new fields.

  • In case there are several report breakdowns, write down which report breakdown you may need for the new connection

Now you are ready to add a new data source with the new API version!

3.Add a new data source

After we inform you about the API change, please add a new data source to receive new fields. Find out more about how you add a new data source in the respective How to connect guides or just follow the connect flow when you add a new data source in Funnel.

4. Doublecheck custom dimensions and metrics

You may have custom dimensions and metrics that contain fields from the deprecated data source. Go to Dimensions and Metrics in Funnel to check which fields are affected.

5. “Stitching” old and new data

After you add the new data sources, we will backfill the newly added data sources. As a result, there will be an overlap of data from the old and new source, that will impact your dashboards. Also for the fields that are replaced with new fields, we recommend you create a custom dimensions or metrics to combine the old and new data. Therefore, we recommend that you create a “stitch” dimension based on date.

The screenshot below shows an example for Google Analytics UA and GA4 data but the the same logic can be applied to any data source.

After creating the stitch dimension, you want to create a new metric that harmonizes the old API version’s metric and the new API version’s metric. The screenshot below shows how you do it in Funnel. The example relates to the metric Sessions from Google Analytics:

You can duplicate this metric for all other metrics that are replaced and adapt the logic.

6. Integrate the new fields in your Funnel Dashboards and Data Shares

In step 2 you identified the impacted data shares and dashboards, in this step, you adapt them with new fields. Therefore, you edit your data share and add the fields in Funnel. In Funnel Dashboards you add the new fields to the dashboard and widgets.

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