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Microsoft Azure Blob Storage configuration

Learn how to give Funnel access to your Azure storage account

Mark Tombs avatar
Written by Mark Tombs
Updated over 9 months ago

Note that this destination also supports exporting blobs to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 which is built on Blob storage.


You should have a Microsoft Azure account and have created a Storage account with 'Blob storage' and 'Enable storage account key access'. Funnel has no opinions about how you configure your account, resource groups, or container.

Find your service endpoint in Azure

Service endpoint for your container is found under Primary endpoint or Secondary endpoint.

Storage account endpoints


Create a SAS token in Azure

  1. Go to the container in the storage account and find Shared access signature

  2. In the Shared access signature tab

    1. Make sure we have "Blob", "Object" and "Write" permissions. And "Delete" if you want us to delete test files that are uploaded by our system.

    2. Generate

    3. Copy the Sas token.

Funnel requires the following permissions for your SAS token

  • Allowed services: Blob

  • Allowed resource types: Object

  • Allowed permissions: Write

Using the "Allowed IP Addresses"-option is not required but if you wish to use this, Funnel will upload data from if you are using our service or if you are using our service.

To create service-level SAS tokens please refer to the Microsoft documentation: Constructing a service SAS

Use OAuth (your personal Microsoft user)

Make sure that your user has the Storage Blob Data Contributor or Storage Blob Data Owner roles on the storage account. You can check this by going to your storage account and clicking "Access Control (IAM)" > "View my access". The broader Azure permissions like "Contributor" are not enough.

Then all you have to do is to sign in with your Microsoft user.

In Funnel

To configure the Data Share you will need

  • The service endpoint of your container. You can find this in 'Properties' under 'Primary blob service endpoint' or 'Secondary blob service endpoint'. You can use either but cannot currently configure Funnel to use both.

  • The name of your container.

  • A SAS token, unless you use OAuth.

Enter the Service Endpoint

Enter the Service Endpoint of your container or input the full "Blob Service SAS URL" and let us parse the fields from it for you.

Enter the Container details

Then fill in the name of your Container, any optional path and the file name template.

Any metadata files (like summary and schema files) will end up in the Container/Container Path/ directory. If you want only your data files in a separate folder you can have a folder structure in the File name template, like in the example where we have the "data" folder.

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