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How do I create a custom Campaign Manager 360 (DoubleClick Campaign Manager) report?
How do I create a custom Campaign Manager 360 (DoubleClick Campaign Manager) report?

Learn how to set up a custom report in Campaign Manager 360 that be used in Funnel.

Daniel Norén avatar
Written by Daniel Norén
Updated over 3 months ago

Head to the Reporting & Attribution page (or navigate directly to this link) and then click the Report Builder tab in the top navigation bar.

Create a new report

In the Report Builder, you can create a new report or chose a template to base your report on. First, ensure you are at the Instant Reporting page, chose a template to base your report on or click on the green NEW button.

Select the fields you want to include and make sure that Date is one of those fields. Ensure that the Schedule and delivery status is disabled by clicking on the clock icon. It should look like the screenshot below.

Duplicate an existing report

In the Report Builder -> Instant Reporting page, follow these steps:

1. Check the checkbox next to the report that you want to duplicate in the list of existing reports. Click on Action.

2. Click on Duplicate.

3. Open the duplicated report and go check the following settings:

  1. If it's not already included, add the Date dimension (required)

  2. Add any additional Dimensions to the report, along with any Metrics you need. Note that these must be supported by Funnel. See this list for fields supported in custom reports

  3. In the Schedule and delivery section, confirm that you have enable the Schedule status and that the File type is set to CSV

  4. Hit the Save button!

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