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What data can I get from Pardot?

Dimensions and Metrics for Pardot

Viktor Tell avatar
Written by Viktor Tell
Updated over a week ago

There are two different reports available when connecting:

Visitor Activities

The data from this report represents activities in Pardot, that is each row corresponds to one event. An event is for example opening an email, clicking a link in an email, submitting a form, etc. For example to get the number of email opens over some time period you have to count the rows with the corresponding type.

The Type number is translated into a name in the field 'Activity name', not to be confused with 'Type Name'. This refers to something else, please refer to the Pardot API documentation for more information.


  • Id: Pardot ID for this visitor activity.

  • Prospect Id: Pardot ID for prospect associated with this visitor activity.

  • Prospect email: Name of the prospect connected with the activity.

  • Opportunity Id: Pardot ID for this visitor activity.

  • Opportunity Name: Name of the opportunity connected with the activity.

  • Visitor Id: Pardot ID for the associated visitor.

  • Type: Visitor activity's type number; See listing below.

  • Type Name: Visitor activity's type name (This is not related to Type above).

  • Activity Name: This is a derived field based on the documentation. Type is used to find the name according to the list below.

  • Details: Details about this visitor activity such as the name of the object associated with this activity, the search phrase used in a site search query, etc.

  • Email Id: Pardot ID of the email associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.

  • Email Template Id: Pardot ID of the email template associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.

  • List Email Id: Pardot ID of the list email associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.

  • Form Id: Pardot ID of the form associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a form associated with it.

  • Form Handler Id: Pardot ID of the form handler associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a form handler associated with it.

  • Site Search Query Id: Pardot ID of the site search query associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a site search query associated with it.

  • Landing Page Id: Pardot ID of the landing page associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a landing page associated with it.

  • Paid Search Ad Id: Pardot ID of the paid search ad associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a paid search ad associated with it.

  • Multivariate Test Variation Id: Pardot ID of the multivariate test variation associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a multivariate test variation associated with it.

  • Visitor Page View Id: Pardot ID of the visitor page view associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a visitor page view associated with it.

  • File Id: Pardot ID of the file associated with this visitor activity.
    Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a file associated with it.

  • Custom Redirect Id: Pardot ID of the custom redirect associated with this visitor. activity Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a custom redirect associated with it.

  • Created At: Time that visitor activity occurred; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.

  • Updated At: Time that visitor activity update occurred; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.

  • Date: Same as "Updated At". This is the date which every visitor activity is attributed to.

  • Email Name: Name of the email associated with this visitor activity.

  • Email Subject: Subject of the email associated with this visitor activity.

  • Email Sent At: Time when the email associated with this visitor activity was sent.

  • Email Template Name: Name of the email template associated with this visitor activity.

  • Email Template Subject: Subject of the email template associated with this visitor activity.

  • List Email Name: Name of the list email associated with this visitor activity.

  • Form Name: Name of the form associated with this visitor activity.

  • Form Handler Name: Name of the form handler associated with this visitor activity.

  • Visitor Page View Name: Title of the visitor page view associated with this visitor activity.

  • File Name: Name of the file associated with this visitor activity.

  • Custom Redirect Name: Name of the custom redirect associated with this visitor activity.

  • Campaign Name: Name of the campaign associated with this visitor activity.

  • Visit Campaign Parameter: utm_campaign from GoogleAnalytics.

  • Visit Medium Parameter: utm_medium from GoogleAnalytics.

  • Visit Source Parameter: utm_source from GoogleAnalytics.

  • Visit Content Parameter: utm_content from GoogleAnalytics.

  • Visit Term Parameter: utm_term from GoogleAnalytics.


  • Number of activities: Number of activities, one per row.

Type numbers

  • 1 - Click

  • 2 - View

  • 3 - Error

  • 4 - Success

  • 5 - Session

  • 6 - Sent

  • 7 - Search

  • 8 - New Opportunity

  • 9 - Opportunity Won

  • 10 - Opportunity Lost

  • 11 - Open

  • 12 - Unsubscribe Page

  • 13 - Bounced

  • 14 - Spam Complaint

  • 15 - Email Preference Page

  • 16 - Resubscribed

  • 17 - Click (Third Party)

  • 18 - Opportunity Reopened

  • 19 - Opportunity Linked

  • 20 - Visit

  • 21 - Custom URL click

  • 22 - Olark Chat

  • 23 - Invited to Webinar

  • 24 - Attended Webinar

  • 25 - Registered for Webinar

  • 26 - Social Post Click

  • 27 - Video View

  • 28 - Event Registered

  • 29 - Event Checked In

  • 30 - Video Conversion

  • 31 - UserVoice Suggestion

  • 32 - UserVoice Comment

  • 33 - UserVoice Ticket

  • 34 - Video Watched (≥ 75% watched)

  • 35 - Indirect Unsubscribe Open

  • 36 - Indirect Bounce

  • 37 - Indirect Resubscribed

  • 38 - Opportunity Unlinked

  • Other - Unknown


The data from this report as the name suggests represents prospects. These are generated leads from different interactions inside Pardot.

You can find the default dimensions and metrics below. In addition, we also get all custom fields for prospects if the user that connected has access to those.
There is also an option to get the tags for each prospect which can be toggled on during the connect. For this to work, please note that you need "Read" permission to Tags.


  • Id: Pardot ID for this prospect

  • Campaign_id: Pardot ID of the campaign associated with this prospect

  • Salutation: Prospect's formal prefix

  • First name: Prospect's first name

  • Last name: Prospect's last name

  • Email: Prospect's email address

  • Password: Prospect's password

  • Company: Prospect's company

  • Prospect account id: Prospect's account ID

  • Website: Prospect's website URL

  • Job title: Prospect's job title

  • Department: Prospect's department

  • Country: Prospect's country

  • Address one: - Prospect's address, line 1

  • Address two: - Prospect's address, line 2

  • City: Prospect's city

  • State: Prospect's US state

  • Territory: Prospect's territory

  • Zip: Prospect's postal code

  • Phone: Prospect's phone number

  • Fax: Prospect's fax number

  • Source: Prospect's source

  • Annual revenue: Prospect's annual revenue

  • Employees: Prospect's number of employees

  • Industry: Prospect's industry

  • Years in business: Prospect's number of years in business

  • Comments: Comments about this prospect

  • Notes: Notes about this prospect

  • Grade: -Prospect's letter grade

  • Last activity activity: - Timestamp of this prospect's latest visitor activity; Time is Reported in API user's preferred timezone

  • Recent_interaction: Describe the prospect's most recent interaction with Pardot (Not available for V3/V4 export)

  • Crm lead fid: Prospect's lead ID in a supported CRM system

  • Crm contact fid: Prospect's contact ID in a supported CRM system

  • Crm owner fid: Prospect's owner ID in a supported CRM system

  • Crm account fid: Account ID in a supported CRM system

  • Crm last sync: Last time this prospect was synced with a supported CRM system

  • Crm url: URL to view the prospect within the CRM system (Not available for V3/V4 export)

  • Is do not email: If value is 1, prospect prefers not to be emailed

  • Is do not call: If value is 1, prospect prefers not to be called

  • opted out: If value is 1, prospect has opted out of marketing communications

  • Is_reviewed: If value is 1, prospect has been reviewed

  • Is_starred: If value is 1, prospect has been starred

  • Is archived: If value is 1, prospect has been archived

  • Created at: Time prospect is created in Pardot; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone

  • Updated at: Last time prospect was updated in Pardot; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone

  • (Optional) Tags: A coma separated string containing all tags for a prospect


  • Score: - Prospect's score

More information on the available fields for the prospect breakdown can be found on the Pardot API documentation here.

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