Facebook native metrics

What sort of data does Funnel download from Facebook?

Simon Kalicinski avatar
Written by Simon Kalicinski
Updated over a week ago

The cost, clicks and impressions metrics that are common across all our supported ad platforms. While that is useful enough for some users, others have the need to evaluate their Facebook advertising in greater detail. Hence, Funnel downloads data for metrics specific to Facebook such as Facebook Pixels, Page Likes, Post Shares and more.

It is important to note that Funnel will only download data for actual Facebook campaigns. This means that, for example, Likes registered on a regular non-boosted post will not be found in Funnel. Each Page Like, Post Share or pixel conversion must be associated with some form of paid advertising on Facebook. 

To view all the Facebook metrics that are available to you once you have connected your Facebook account to Funnel, head to the Metrics section and review the extensive list found there. Note: just because the metric is supported by Funnel, does not mean that you are necessarily registering any data for it in your Facebook account!

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