If your use case requires this data in Funnel, you can request it as a Custom Connector.
Custom Connectors and the Custom Connector Request feature are available in the following plans: Business and Enterprise. See our Pricing page for more details.
Time Tracking Report
Project ID: The unique identifier assigned to a project within Teamwork.
Project Name: The name assigned to a project.
Project Status: The current state of the project, such as active, completed, or archived.
Is Billable (Yes/No): Indicates whether the logged time is billable to the client (Yes) or not (No).
Is Billed (Yes/No): Indicates whether the logged time has been invoiced to the client (Yes) or not (No).
Tasklist ID: The unique identifier assigned to a task list within a project.
Todo List Name: The name of the to-do list associated with the task.
Todo List ID: The unique identifier assigned to a to-do list.
Todo Item Name: The name of the individual to-do item or task.
Todo Item ID: The unique identifier assigned to a to-do item.
Updated Date: The date and time when the task or time entry was last updated.
Tags: Labels assigned to tasks or time entries for categorization and filtering purposes.
Can Edit (Yes/No): Indicates whether the user has permission to edit the task or time entry (Yes) or not (No).
Task Estimated Time (in seconds): The estimated amount of time allocated to complete the task, measured in seconds.
Company Name: The name of the company associated with the project or task.
Company ID: The unique identifier assigned to a company within Teamwork.
ID: A unique identifier assigned to the time entry.
Invoice Number: The number associated with the invoice that includes the billed time entry.
Person First Name: The first name of the individual who logged the time.
Person Last Name: The last name of the individual who logged the time.
Person ID: The unique identifier assigned to a user within Teamwork.
Parent Task Name: The name of the parent task, if the current task is a subtask.
Parent Task ID: The unique identifier of the parent task.
Date (User Perspective): The date on which the user logged the time entry.
Minutes: The duration of the time entry, measured in minutes.
Description: A brief explanation or notes provided by the user about the time entry.
Ticket ID: The unique identifier of a support ticket associated with the time entry, if applicable.
Created At: The date and time when the time entry was initially created.
Task Is Private (Yes/No): Indicates whether the task is marked as private (Yes) or not (No), restricting visibility to certain users.
Task Tags: Labels assigned specifically to tasks for categorization and filtering.
Task Is Sub Task (Yes/No): Indicates whether the task is a subtask (Yes) or a main task (No).
Date (YYYY-MM-DD): The specific date of the time entry, formatted as year-month-day.
Has Start Time (Yes/No): Indicates whether a specific start time was recorded for the time entry (Yes) or not (No).
Hours: The duration of the time entry, measured in hours.
Owner: The individual responsible for the task or time entry.
How to Request this Custom Connector
To request Teamwork data, submit a Custom Connector Request (see link here for instructions).
If you are interested in Teamwork data that hasn't been covered here, we would like to encourage you to connect with our Integration Engineering team by submitting a Custom Connector Request. They will be more than happy to explore the potential of obtaining additional data.