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How to Connect Beslist CPC

Instructions on how to give us access to your Beslist data

Jesper Ragnarsson avatar
Written by Jesper Ragnarsson
Updated over 9 months ago

To import statistics from your Beslist CPC webshop into Funnel, there are some extra steps you'll need to take in order for us to access your data. If you would like to import CPS data (Orders and Commission), connect to the Beslist CPS connector instead, using your Beslist username and password.

Request access to the Beslist Stats API

To do this, simply contact your Beslist account manager, stating that you'd like to make use of their statistics API. You'll also want to ask your account manager to grant Funnel's Beslist account ( permission to access your Beslist data.

Connect your data source

Connecting a Beslist webshop to Funnel requires some manual steps on our end to finalize the process. Once you have access to the API, and Funnel has been granted access to your data, create a new Beslist CPC data source, providing us with the name of your shop (written exactly as it appears on Beslist, this is important).

When this is done, we'll go through the final steps required on our end to configure your source. Assuming all the required permissions have been granted to us, your Beslist source will begin syncing data as soon as we're done configuring the source (generally within 1-2 business days). πŸš€

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