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Google Sheets import - Troubleshooting & FAQ
Google Sheets import - Troubleshooting & FAQ

Tips for troubleshooting problems with Google Sheets imports

Ilona Norman avatar
Written by Ilona Norman
Updated over 9 months ago

Importing data from a Google Sheet is different than importing data from another platform. When we fetch data from our out-of-the-box integrations, Funnel has already determined the unit (data type), name and other necessary information for each field on your behalf. 

In this case of importing data from Google Sheets, you control both the data and its formatting, and how Funnel should interpret and import the data. We do our best to help you set up a working configuration by applying smart suggestions, but we can't control how the data looks. Because of this, you may run into import errors when Funnel is unable to successfully parse the data for your current configuration. 

We know how important it is for you to get accurate data. This is why we raise these errors so you are able to address them, rather than hide them and risk you getting inaccurate data.


Header no longer found in sheet

Funnel uses the data headers to identify which column is which. If a header has been removed or renamed from the data, you'll see an error such as this:

The column header 'Impressions' could not be found in the sheet. Has it been renamed or removed?

If the header name has changed, you need to contact support to help you reconfigure the source (the configuration cannot be changed by you, once configured).

Failed to parse cells

When you get an error starting with Failed to parse cells  it means that we were unable to successfully take the value from a cell in your spreadsheet and convert it to the unit you want in Funnel.

You will get a summary of all columns that could not be imported with examples of cells that failed.

Type conversion error

When Funnel cannot convert a data type in the spreadsheet to the unit you specified in the field configuration, you will get an error such as this:

Type conversion error. Could not convert cell value to a number.

In this specific case, the field is set to be "Number" but the cell value could not be parsed as a number (i.e. it might be a plain text such as "-" or "N/A"). 

To resolve this, make sure all cells in number columns are indeed numbers.

Cell error

If a cell contains a formula error, you will get a Cell error with an explanation of the type of error. These errors happen in Google Sheets when a formula for some reason cannot calculate its value, such as dividing a number by 0 (resulting in a #DIV/0  error).

To resolve this, either fix the errors in the sheet, or write a formula that gracefully handles errors using the =IFERROR  function (

Inflated monetary values

If the monetary values in your sheet appear to be multiplied by 10x or 100x when imported to Funnel, please ensure that cells with monetary data use a . (dot) as a decimal separator. For example:

123.00 – ✅ OK

123,00 – ❌ Will show up as 12300.00 in Funnel

Failed to parse Google Sheets datetime as a date

This happens when Funnel tries to parse a cell value as a date. You can read more about how dates should be formatted here:

Data Source errors

You may experience errors related to the Google Account such as:

  • Expired authentication

  • Missing permission to read the spreadsheet

  • A file is not a valid Google Sheets Spreadsheet

  • Admin policy enforced

Go to this article for more information on how to resolve those:

Missing data in Data Explorer


If data doesn't turn up in Data Explorer, the problem may be related to how Google handles formulas. If a cell has a formula, the resulting value will only be recalculated by Google when a change is detected. Sometimes Google fails to detect changes, which results in missing values in Data Explorer. This can be confusing for you as a user, because the values are visible in the sheet, but not in Data Explorer.

There is a workaround to this unfortunate behaviour and that is to make a change to the sheet (by e.g. adding dummy values) to force the sheet to be recalculated (this is probably a caching problem at Google's end) and then import the sheet again.

Import scheduling

If you're unable to see data that you've recently added to your Sheet, it's most likely because Funnel hasn't imported it yet. Before reaching out to support for assistance, make sure that the "Last Imported" date is after your Sheet was updated.

Connection Access Configuration error

If you attempt to edit a configuration with a Funnel user that didn't create the Data Source, you may receive the following error:

Only the user who connected the Google Sheet can view and edit the configuration.

In order to edit the configuration, you'll need to reconnect the Data Source either with the same or a new Google user that has access to the sheet. This is to ensure that you have the correct permissions to view sheets connected to this user. Please make sure that when reconnecting, the permissions that Funnel needs are granted.


Can I update the Google Sheet URL of an existing Data Source?

Once a Data Source has been created, you're unable to update the URL. If you would like to use another URL, you'll need to create a new Data Source.

Can I select a range to import from my Google Sheet?

When connecting a Google Sheet to Funnel, we'll attempt to import all of the data in the sheet, starting from the specified header/"data starts" row. You're unable to select a range to import (e.g. rows 10 to 100) at the moment.

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