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File Import Troubleshooting

Tips for troubleshooting a File Import data source and frequently asked questions

Ilona Norman avatar
Written by Ilona Norman
Updated over a month ago

Importing data from a file is different from importing data from another platform. When we fetch data from our out-of-the-box integrations, Funnel has already determined the unit (data type), name and other necessary information for each field on your behalf.

In this case, you control both the data and its formatting, and how Funnel should interpret and import the data. We do our best to help you set up a working configuration by applying smart suggestions, but we can't control how the data looks. Because of this, you may run into import errors when Funnel is unable to successfully parse the data for your current configuration.

We know how important it is for you to get accurate data. This is why we raise these errors so you are able to address them, rather than hide them and risk you getting inaccurate data.

Missing headers

Funnel uses the data headers to identify which column is which. If a header has been removed or renamed from the data, you'll see an error such as this:

The column header 'Impressions' could not be found in the sheet. Has it been renamed or removed?

Either make sure a column with that exact header exists in the sheet, or edit the import configuration and remove that field entirely.

Failed to parse cells

When you get an error starting with Failed to parse cells it means that we were unable to successfully take the value from a cell and convert it to the unit you want in Funnel.

You will get a summary of all columns that could not be imported with examples of cells that failed.

Unsupported Encoding

Funnel only supports UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoding. If you try to upload a file and you notice some strange characters, it's likely that the file may not have the correct encoding.

In macOS Numbers, you can select UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding under the "Advanced Options" when exporting:

Type conversion error

When Funnel cannot convert a data type to the unit you specified in the field configuration, you will get an error such as this:

Type conversion error. Could not convert cell value to a number.

In this specific case, the field is set to be "Number" but the cell value could not be parsed as a number (i.e. it might be a plain text such as "-" or "N/A").

To resolve this, make sure all cells in number columns are indeed numbers.

The file is too large errors

1. The file used to create/configure a new Data Source is too large

When uploading a large file to a new Data Source in Funnel, you may receive the following error message:

The file you are using to configure this data source is too large. Please upload a smaller part of the file with just a few rows of data in order to finish the configuration. After the data source is configured and set up, this file will be imported as expected.

To resolve this issue, all you need to do is follow the steps below:

  1. Delete the current file (optional)

  2. Create a new file (csv or xlsx) from the first 500 rows of the large file

  3. Upload the new file

  4. Complete the Data Source configuration

  5. Upload the large file again once the Data Source has been created

2. The attached email file is too large

Funnel only supports email attachments up to 30MB.

3. Emails containing links to files are too large

If the file that the link points to is too large, Funnel may timeout. Please try decreasing the size of the file and/or increasing the speed of the file transfer (by talking to the third-party file provider).

Missing data

If you notice that the data you have previously imported is now missing, it could be due to the following reasons:

1. The date field in your file that Funnel uses to attribute data contains gaps


The previous file includes all dates between January 1st and 10th

The new file has a gap between January 3rd and January 10th

Outcome - Dates from January 4th to 9th have been removed

2. The data for a specific date has been overwritten

Unable to upload file

If you are unable to upload a file manually to Funnel, this could be due to a number of reasons including the speed of your connection, the size of your file, or server issues.

Before reaching out to us, please try the following:

  1. Ensure that your file is smaller than 1 GB

  2. Refresh the page and upload the file again

For more information on what we support, please see this article.

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