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File import - Import your own data
File import - Import your own data

Here's how to import data from files into Funnel

Ilona Norman avatar
Written by Ilona Norman
Updated over 8 months ago



  • Import your own CSV, TSV, TXT, XLSX, and ZIP files into Funnel

  • Make sure the file uses UTF-8 encoding.

  • Send files via email or manually upload them.

  • If you're uploading a file manually, please ensure it's smaller than 1 GB.

  • All files must have the same columns as the first file used for the configuration.

  • If new files contain data for previously imported dates, they will overwrite the existing data for those dates.


Do you have data that you would like to import into Funnel besides the hundreds of plug-and-play data sources that you can use out of the box?

This article outlines how you can import your own CSV, TSV or Excel files directly into Funnel.

There are also other ways of importing data into Funnel depending on your needs:

  • Make a Custom Connector request. This way, files can be automatically sent to Funnel via email, SFTP, s3-upload and more, and you can get bespoke help from our Data Integration Engineers. Note: This feature is not included in the Free & Starter plans (see our Pricing page for more details). Get in touch with us if you are interested in getting access.

Set up a new File import

Go to the list of Data sources and start adding a new data source by clicking on "+ Data Sources". At the very bottom of the list of data sources, there is a button that says "File Import". You can also find it by searching for "file", "CSV" or "excel".

Follow these steps in the app to complete the import:

Data source name

Give your source a name. This is how you can identify your source later in the data sources list.

Upload or send your first file

Now it's time to get the first file to Funnel to complete the configuration. The file should have the columns and format that you intend to use for this source.

You can create an email address if you plan to send files via email, or manually upload the file in the browser. The email address will be generated automatically.

Configure fields

When the first file has arrived, it's time to configure your fields so that Funnel knows how to interpret your data. By default, the configuration will be based on the first file, but if you have uploaded several files, before configuring the fields, it is possible to choose which file should be used for configuration.

Import new files

You can always go to the source and import new files. New files must have the same columns as the first file.

Manual upload

Go to Data Sources, find the source in the list, and press Actions > Manage file import. On the page, you can find a button to upload a file.

Send via email

There are two ways of sending files to Funnel via email:

  • Attach the file to the email.
    All attachments with a .csv, .tsv or .xlsx extension will be imported.

  • Include a download link to the file.
    By default, links containing .csv, .tsv or .xlsx in the URL will be imported.

    You can also customise which links that should be used for download using a custom regular expression by opening "Email settings" when you manage your File import source.

If you need to look up the email address again, go to Data Sources, find the source, and press Actions > Manage file import.

Troubleshooting email issues

If you're unable to see your file in the Data Source, start by checking that Funnel received the email. To do this, start by clicking on 'Email inbox'.

Depending on where the email is coming from, the provider might ask you to confirm the email address by following a link in the email.

If this happens, start by opening the email inbox (as above) and expanding the email row. Next, download the email by clicking on the link under "raw email" and open it in an email client. You should then see the original email and you'll be able to interact with the links within.

Size limit of emails

Our email service accepts email messages up to 30 MB (including attachments). Email is not a suitable medium to transfer larger files, and many email providers have limits on how large attachments you can send (typically 10-25MB). If you want to upload larger files into Funnel, please upload them manually.

Need to see the content of an email message?

Sometimes you need to get access to the actual email sent to Funnel, for example, to click on a verification link to confirm a scheduled report. You can see all emails by navigating to the File import source and selecting "Show emails". Each message shows its subject, sender, and the timestamp when it arrived. Click on the raw email to download the file, which you can then view on your local computer.


You can learn more about configuring Funnel's webhook in this help article.

Overwriting data

Your imported data is attributed to a given date per row. When you upload new files with dates that overlap with data you have previously imported, those dates will be cleared and overwritten entirely.

This is useful when you need to correct or update data.

If you need to clear previously imported data for a given date entirely, you can upload a new file with a row containing that date but without any data. An alternative way of deleting data is to skip some dates in the file, e.g. if the file contains all dates for March 2022 except the 15th and 16th, then any old data from the 15th and 16th of March will be deleted.

Here's an illustration of how the date overwrites work:

Example: I have previously imported data for 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-04. If I import a new file containing data for 2020-01-03 to 2020-01-06, all the overlapping data (2020-01-03 to 2020-01-04) will be overwritten by the new file. For more info on how Funnel treats dates, check here.

File requirements

File type

The file must be of type CSV (comma-separated values), TSV (tab-separated values) or Excel (with the .xlsx extension).

Header row

The sheet needs to have a header row with column names. This is how we identify each column during imports.

Locate your data

Data starts at

Some files contain data that should be excluded at the top of the file, usually some type of metadata that keeps the same structure in each report. When setting Data starts at row, you can decide where the actual data that should be imported starts in a file.

Exclude rows from the bottom of a data set

Sometimes you may want to exclude rows from the bottom of your file. A typical example of this is a "Totals" row at the end, summing up each column, which can be excluded with the "Exclude last rows" option when configuring the source.

In the event of more non-data rows, usually containing metadata, present at the bottom of a file, please submit a Custom Connector request.

Unique column headers

The data needs to have unique column header names (case insensitive). If any two-column headers are identical, ignoring the capitalisation of letters, we won't be able to import the data.

Date column

The file must contain a column with dates. This is necessary to attribute the data to a date in Funnel.

The date column must contain a single date per row (e.g. 01/12/2023), not a date range (e.g. a week or a month).

By default, the date format is set to YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601). You can change to another format, e.g. MM/DD/YYYY, by selecting a custom date format for that field.


When importing monetary data, you will need to supply a currency. This can either be a static currency for all the data in the sheet or a dynamic currency that can be different for each row.

If you have a currency for each row, the sheet needs to contain a column with three-digit ISO-4217 currency codes, such as USD, EUR, and GBP.

Funnel standard fields

Since Funnel does not know your data as well as you do, we can't automatically map standard metrics and dimensions for you (such as media type, traffic source, cost and campaign).

You will need to go to the dimension/metric editor for the standard fields and set up your own rules to map specific fields from your sheet import.


Sometimes Funnel is unable to understand and convert your data. Please refer to this article on troubleshooting: File import -Troubleshooting

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