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How to use Funnel's email import feature
How to use Funnel's email import feature

Importing files to Funnel via email

Ross Barrett avatar
Written by Ross Barrett
Updated over a year ago

To start sending files to Funnel via email, all you need to do is navigate to the Data Sources page, click "Connect Data Source", and select "Email Import" from the list.

In the next step, simply give your new Data Source a name, then click "Save and continue".

You will now have access to a unique email address which is connected to this source. You can copy this email address and use it as the recipient for your reports/files when setting up data exports from your marketing platform.

What will be imported?

By default, Funnel will attempt to import all .csv, .tsv, .txt, .xlsx, and .zip files attached to the email. If any links within the email include these file types in the URL, e.g. myfile.csv, Funnel will try to import them too.
You can also customise which links should be used for download using a custom regular expression by editing the email settings and selecting "Import links matching custom rule".


Let's say that the email from the third party looks like this:

The email doesn't contain any attachments, but three links that point directly to files (not a marketing platform login page which isn't supported).

By default, Funnel will attempt to "summary.csv" and "info.csv". This isn't what we want. We want to import "my_marketing_report". Because ".csv" (or another supported file type) isn't in the URL, we need to tell Funnel to import it.

In this case, all we need to do is include "report" in the "Custom link download rule" box and Funnel will only import links that contain "report.

If we click on "Test" we can add all of the links to see if the custom rule is working as expected.

This was only a very simple regex example. You can learn more about regex and brush up on your skills on RegexOne.


Once we've received the email, you'll need to configure the Data Source. You should be automatically redirected to the configuration, but if not, click on "Finish Configuration" in the top right corner.

Complete the configuration by defining your fields, currency and other parameters. Please note that all future files received by this Data Source will use the same configuration, so make sure that the files are formatted in the same way.


If you're having difficulties setting up your email import, hopefully, this article will be able to help!

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