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Funnel built-in fields
Ilona Norman avatar
Written by Ilona Norman
Updated today

Funnel provides a number of fields that are created automatically, most of which are read-only and cannot be edited by users.

Data Source

Generally, fields in this group help identify where the data is coming from and in what amount.

  • Currency
    The 3 letters ISO currency code that the monetary data is in.
    Example: USD, EUR, SEK

  • Data Source
    Generally a combination of Data source name and Data Source id.
    In Data Explorer it will be rendered with "Data Source name" and a data source display id e.g. Fashion Retailer UK - 1234
    In exports: Shorthand for "Data Source type name" - "Data Source name" - "Data Source id"
    Formerly known as 'Connection'

  • Data Source id
    Funnel's internal id for a connected data source, unique per data source type.
    Formerly known as 'Connection id'

  • Data Source name - (this field is user-editable)
    The name of a connected data source, e.g. Facebook ad account name. Can be edited on the data source page.
    Formerly known as 'Connection name'

  • Connector
    The type code of a connected data source, e.g. "googleanalytics", "adwords" or "facebook".
    Formerly known as Data Source type or Connection type code

  • Connector name
    The name of the type of a connected data source. e.g. "Google Analytics", "AdWords" or "Facebook".
    Formerly known as Data Source type name or Connection type

  • Data Origin identifier
    An id that can be used to avoid double counting metrics due to adding the same data source with different breakdowns.

  • Data Source definition label
    A description of a connected data source configuration. Could be helpful when you have multiple breakdowns on a data source.

  • Row Count
    The number of raw data rows processed (considered for the values on the row).

  • Funnel Account Id
    The id of the Funnel Workspace (previously 'account') that the data is from.

  • Funnel Account Name
    The name of the Funnel Workspace (previously 'account') that the data is from.


Besides the date field for a single date Funnel provides a series of convenient dimensions commonly used regarding date-formatting.

  • Date
    The date provided by the connected data source in ISO format, e.g. "2016-07-31".

  • Year
    The 4 digit year for the date provided by the connected data source, e.g. "2016".

  • Month
    The month name for the date provided by the connected data source, e.g. "January".

  • Month number
    The month for the date provided by the connected data source, e.g. "07".

  • Week number (ISO)
    The week number according to the ISO 8601 standard, with Monday as the first day-of-week, e.g. "01".

  • Week number
    The week number calculated according to the Workspace's locale, e.g. "01".

  • Week
    The week calculated according to the Workspace's locale, e.g. "27 Nov–3 Dec".

  • Day of week
    The weekday expressed as a string, e.g. "Friday".

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