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How to troubleshoot a data import mismatch
How to troubleshoot a data import mismatch
Jonas Kauppinen avatar
Written by Jonas Kauppinen
Updated over 3 months ago

If you see a mismatch between your data in Funnel and your native platform there can be several reasons as to why this is happening.

The most common causes to a data mismatch is either that the data is still very fresh (please see this help article to find out more about data freshness and volatility), or that the data source configuration is not identical to your query in the native platform.

In other words, we should always keep data volatility in mind and make sure that we are comparing apples to apples.

Some report types will filter out data, so double checking this is also important. For example is of you want view the total spend for your ad accounts, but have connected a Keyword report, which will only show you a subset (part) of your data, which will then not match to the totals.

To view this, please head into our Knowledge Base and search “What data can i get from xxxx”, xxxx being the platform, Facebook Ads for example.

Below you can find a checklist that you can use as a guide to troubleshoot the discrepancies in your data:

1. Is the mismatch linked to data that is only a few days old? Recent data is very volatile by nature and some discrepancies are to be expected. Please double check if data further back in time matches with your native platform.

2. Always make sure that your query in your native platform is identical to your data source configuration in Funnel. You can find this in your data sources page under "Definition label".

Also, as an example, if you have selected the dimension “Country” in your data source configuration, please make sure to include it in your native platform query.

To clarify further, it's not the selection in Data Explorer that matters, it's your data source configuration which determines what data we import to Funnel.

3. Check your Data Explorer for filters. Since the dimension and metric filters chosen in the Data Explorer will affect the result in your query, double check that filters are set as intended and reflect your data in the native platform.

4. Always compare raw data, without any filtering, custom fields or saved views. This means that we only should use the native fields that have been imported from your native platforms instead of the custom fields created in Funnel. Here is an example of a native field vs a custom field in Funnel:

5. Double check the date ranges. Make sure that the chosen date range in Data Explorer matches with the time period you are looking at in your native platform.

6. Are you seeing a double counting warning in the Data Explorer? If you have connected multiple data sources to the same ad account, either on purpose or by accident, there is a risk for data duplication.

You can open the warning to get more insight on what might be causing it. If you see this warning, please this help article for instructions on how to create a dataset to deduplicate the data.

7. Does your data source import data as expected? You can check your data sources page under “Status” for any credentials issues, delays with the imports and other possible problems. Check that the data has been imported for the days you are expecting to see in Funnel.

The data might also still be downloading, which is completely normal and the download of historical data can take quite some time.

8. If you are comparing Cost data, make sure that your currency in Data Explorer is the same you are using in the native platform.

9. If you have created a custom metric that uses monetary values, make sure that the unit has been set to “Monetary” instead of “Number”, since currency conversion will not apply to custom metrics with the “Number” unit.

10. Make sure you are looking at data from the same ad account as you have connected in Funnel. You can check this from the Data Origin Identifier in your data sources page which should correspond to your ad account ID.

11. Head to our Knowledge base where you can search by the name of the platform to find help articles listing the most common issues for each connector and steps you can take to troubleshoot them. You will find the most common issues of our largest connectors by searching by the name of the connector.

If you have gone through the above checklist and still can’t get your data to match, please follow the instructions in this help article on how to report your mismatch to help us resolve the issue as fast as possible.

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