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How to report a data export mismatch

What the support team needs in order to troubleshoot a data mismatch in a data destination

Funnel Support avatar
Written by Funnel Support
Updated over 10 months ago

The support team is happy to help you to resolve any kind of unexpected result when moving your data over to a data destination. This could be a mismatch, missing data, filters not working, etc.

Please follow the next steps to provide us with the right information. We're using Data Studio as an example.

1) A link to the data share in question from our "Share" section.

Right-click the name of the data share and select "Copy link address":

2) A Funnel data explorer illustrating the desired result for the destination platform.

Run your query and once you get your desired result, copy the browser's URL and share it with us. Yes, it's a very long URL!

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you can't reach your desired result in data explorer and/or the data is missing in Funnel, the issue is NOT within the data share. Please refer to this article on how to report a data import mismatch.

3) Screenshots from the destination platform.

Screenshots should illustrate your mismatch or issue. Make sure your screenshots:

  • show the same fields that you're looking at in Funnel's data explorer.

  • contain the entire browser window, including all filters applied, if any.

  • represent the same date range as your Funnel data explorer.

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