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Google Keyword Planner – Troubleshooting

An article about helping you find solutions to troubles with Google Keyword Planner.

Written by Melker Holmgren
Updated over 2 weeks ago


My keyword file is not visible when I edit the configuration of my connector

Do not worry, the file is there you can not se it though.

  • If you want to change file:
    Just upload a new file and it will replace the old one.

  • If you don't want to change file:
    Just let it be, and change the other things you want to change.

  • If you want to remove the file:
    Uncheck the check box 'file upload'.

Example of when your connector stops with an error message

You will get an error and have to edit the connectors configuration if:

  • your keyword input file is of the wrong format. It needs to be .txt or .csv.

  • you have entered a geo code that is not valid.

I cannot see all the keywords in data explorer that I have entered

These are possible explanations:

  • If you enter more than 2 500 keywords only the first 2 500 of your keywords will be accepted (you will not get an error).

  • If you enter more than 250 keywords manually (not in file) only the first 250 keywords will be accepted (you will not get an error).

  • Some keywords Google group together and they will not show on a row of their own. These keywords will show up in Keyword Variations field.

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