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Google Ads – Troubleshooting

Trouble shooting Google Ads (formerly Adwords)

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Written by Funnel Support
Updated over a week ago

General info

Report type

When connecting a source in Funnel you'll get prompted to choose Report Type.
Standard here is the same as Campaign performance. Not all data is available in all report types, so make sure you're looking at the same thing when comparing data between Funnel and Google Ads. For instance, if you connected a data source with the shopping report, make sure you compare it with a shopping report in Google Ads.

Reports for Reported Impression Shares

There used to be radio buttons to choose between Regular Metrics or Reported Impressions Shares. These have been removed and you can now find all reports in the Report Type drop down list. The Standard report under Reported Impression Shares is now named Standard Impression Share Metric.

Local Services Ads

The two reports integrating with Google's Local Services Ads will both not return any data for the current calendar day, this is due to an API limitation, wherein the data is not available until it has been aggregated by Google.

The Local Services Ads report require that the connected account is connected to an MCC account. It will fetch LSA data for any account connected to the same MCC account, this is a limitation from Google.

Conversions mismatches

If you have a problem with a conversion mismatch the most common one's we've noticed are explained here: Why can't I see all my Google Ads conversions?

Search Impression Share mismatches

The field "Search Impr. share – Estimated" does not exactly match the data available in the Google Ads UI under "Search Impr. Share". This is due to Google filtering out low values, reporting any value under 0.1 as 0.0999.

Conversions by conversion time mismatches

Conversion time data is only available after March 6, 2019. Store visit conversions and store sales conversions are not included.

Connect issues

If you have a problem when connecting a source then a common reason could be that you've connected a Google account on the wrong "level". This is explained here: About access levels in your Google Ads Account

Failing reconnect with TokenError "Invalid grant"

If you try to reconnect a source with existing credentials and it fails results in a TokenError "Invalid grant", try to reconnect adding new credentials using the the same login/email. This will replace the old faulty credentials with new ones.

If this doesn't help please reach out to our support for further advice.

Missing Fields

Sometimes we've noticed that fields display name and id in Google Ads is not the same. Please have a quick look here: All report reference and make sure that we don't already support your missing field but that it is called something else.

Missing labels

If you have labels on your campaigns or ad groups but they are not showing up in Funnel, check that they were created in Google Ads by the same account that you have used to connect your data source. Labels created by an MCC account, for example, will not show up when downloading data through an Advertising account belonging to that MCC account.

Performance Max Campaign data

To make it easier to work with Performance Max data in Funnel you can choose how to handle Performance Max campaigns when connecting or re-configuring a data source with the Standard report on Campaign level.

There are three different settings:

  • Include

  • Exclude

  • Only Performance Max Campaigns

The default behavior is to include them. This has been the standard behavior in Funnel. The other two options are intended to make it easier to work with Google Ads data on a lower granularity than Campaign without having to worry about double counting.

To get Performance Max data alongside your lower-granularity data you can now connect, for example, an Ad level source and a Campaign level source with the "Only Performance Max Campaigns" selected. This will eliminate any double counting since Performance Max data is unavailable from Ad level sources.

Previously you would have to follow our de-duplication guide to achieve this.

Miscellaneous quirks

Network (with search partners)

The old optional dimension Network (with search partners) is now automatically included in most reports and check box has been removed from the configuration dialog for these reports. Existing sources that were configured with this option will still have "Network with Search Params" in their Definition Label while new and reconfigured sources will not.

Click View Report

Click View reports can only fetch data going back 90 days, due to limitations in the Google Ads API.

When selecting the optional Keyword dimension in your report, be aware that only campaigns compatible with keywords will display data. Campaign types that do not support keyword data include Performance Max, Shopping, Smart, and Dynamic Search Ads.

Search Keyword Report

Dynamic search ads are not available in these reports due to a limitation in the Google Ads API.

Search Query Report

When selecting the optional Keyword dimension in your report, be aware that only campaigns compatible with keywords will display data. Campaign types that do not support keyword data include Performance Max, Shopping, Smart, and Dynamic Search Ads.

Placement Report

Note that when you are using the Placement report you only receive data for managed placement. Use the report Where Ads Showed if you also want automatic placements data.

When connecting a keyword/placement level ad report in Funnel one should have in mind that keyword/placement data will cause all of the data for this source to get segmented. This means if comparing a Campaign level report (Google Ads UI) with a Keyword/placement level Ad report (Funnel), there might be differences in the totals since some data doesn't fit the segmentation of keyword/placement.
If you're seeing a mismatch between your keyword data in Funnel and in Google Ads, look for a row with keyword value "Content". This row holds all your data from the display network. Filter it out and your data should match up with your search network keywords.

Click Type


If the optional dimension Click Type is used for a data source be aware of that the value of impressions might get inflated because of extensions. The ad it self will get one impression and then each extension that have been shown together with the ad will also get one impression each, triggering up the total number of impressions for that ad.

If you want to see the "normal" amount of impressions with Click Type, you can try filtering impressions by Click Type. Viewing only impressions with the Click Type "URL_CLICKS" will give the expected amount of impressions in most cases.

Cost and Conversions

If you choose to segment your data by optional dimension Click Type, you might notice differences in total Cost and total Conversions compared to what you see in the Google Ads UI.

When segmenting by Click type you will only see costs/conversions associated with specific types of clicks and you will potentially miss other cost/conversion-attributing interactions.

E.g. in Video campaigns cost/conversions are often attributed to views rather than clicks and the cost/conversions per Click type will be 0 and the summed total in Funnel will be 0 even though the total cost/conversions is not 0 when looking in Google Ads UI .

Campaign Type restrictions

  • Smart Campaigns: Smart campaigns are not available at the "Ad" report level.

  • Demand Gen Campaigns/Discovery: If the campaign has a campaign subtype other than Standard it will not be available. If the campaign subtype is unspecified, it will be available. This is due to a limitation in the Google Ads API.

    Google is currently converting discovery campaigns to a new campaign type called Demand Gen.

  • Performance Max:

    • In general it's only available when using the "Campaign" report level. The "Click View" report can pull these campaigns for both "Campaign" and "Ad Group" level.

    • The Age and Gender View reports do not report Performance Max data.

    • Performance Max campaigns can run ads on all of Googles different channels. If you connect a report for a specific channel, like shopping, it will only show data where the channel was shopping. Data from other channels will be omitted.

      If you are comparing data between the Google Ads UI and Funnel, please be mindful of which view and report you are comparing.

    • Search Impression Share reporting for Performance Max campaigns is not supported by the Google Ads API.

  • Video campaigns: Campaign subtype "target frequency" is not supported.

  • Dynamic Search Ads: Dynamic search ads are not available in the "Search Query" and "Search Keyword" reports due to a limitation in the Google Ads API.

Ad Type restrictions

  • Audio ads: Fetching data for audio ads are currently not supported by Google, so any data on these ads will be missing from ad level reports. You can still get a complete overview on campaigns using these ads by using a "Campaign" or "Ad Group" report level in your data source.

Geo Performance report behaviour

For Geo Performance report you can choose optional Geo Dimensions like "country", "region", "city" etc. When adding Geo Dimensions only rows with a value for all selected dimensions will be downloaded - i.e. you have chosen “country” and “city” as geo dimensions, only the rows that have values for both the city and the country will be downloaded. This means that you will lose all the rows that only have a country registered but no city.

Therefor you need to consider carefully what optional Geo Dimensions to choose when connecting a Geo Performance report, as rows might be dropped.

Google has chosen this behaviour in the Google Ads API to better match what is seen in the Google Ads UI.

Video Campaigns are not fully supported in Geo Performance reports.

Geo Location Targeting

Some geographical dimensions will show up as "geoTargetingConstants/{number}" because they cannot be translated into a familiar geographical name, i.e. country, territory, city etc. This is due to sanctions imposed by the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control and no workaround is available.

Audience Reporting

When connecting a data source with the audience report type, it is important to keep in mind at what level your audiences are applied in Google Ads, and match that report level. If for example you apply audiences at campaign level in Google Ads, your data source needs to use the report level "Campaign".

The audience type "Detailed demographics" is not supported in either of Googles Ads APIs.

Views (100%) vs Video views

Sometimes Views (100%) can be higher than video views. This might seem strange but the Views (100%) metric is based on Video played to 100% * number of video impressions. This can also happen for Views (75%/50%/25%) but is less likely.

For example when the video is shorter than Google's duration requirements for a video view — e.g. if you have a video that is shorter than the requirement for skippable video (below 30 sec) it doesn't count as a video view.

Asset Level reports

The total sum for some metrics, e.g. cost, impressions, clicks , on the asset level may not be the same as the total sum shown in Google Ads UI. That is because these metrics are shared among assets and not exclusively attributed to one asset.

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