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How to request Digistore24 data in Funnel
How to request Digistore24 data in Funnel

Leverage your Digistore24 data in Funnel via Custom Connectors

Kelsey Maynard avatar
Written by Kelsey Maynard
Updated over a month ago

If your use case requires this data in Funnel, you can request it as a Custom Connector.

Custom Connectors and the Custom Connector Request feature are available in the following plans: Business and Enterprise. See our Pricing page for more details.

Order Report

  • Affiliate ID: Unique identifier assigned to an affiliate promoting the product.

  • Affiliate Name: Name of the affiliate associated with the Affiliate ID.

  • Are Customforms Filled Out: Indicates whether custom forms associated with the order have been completed by the buyer.

  • Billing Mode: Specifies the method or plan of billing (e.g., one-time payment, subscription).

  • Billing Mode Message: Additional information or status message related to the billing mode.

  • Billing Status: Current status of the billing process (e.g., pending, completed, failed).

  • Billing Status Message: Detailed message or description about the billing status.

  • Billing Type: Category of billing, such as recurring, installment, or single payment.

  • Billing Type Message: Additional information or description about the billing type.

  • Buyer ID: Unique identifier assigned to the customer who made the purchase.

  • Campaign Key: Identifier for the specific marketing campaign associated with the order.

  • Can Buyer Terminate Payments: Indicates whether the buyer has the option to cancel future payments.

  • Can Cancel Before: Specifies if the order can be canceled before a certain date or event.

  • Can See Order Details: Indicates whether the buyer or affiliate can view detailed information about the order.

  • Cancel Policy Can Cancel Before: Details the conditions under which an order can be canceled before a specified time.

  • Cancel Policy First Minimum Interval: The minimum time interval before the first allowable cancellation.

  • Cancel Policy Other Minimum Intervals: Minimum time intervals for subsequent cancellations, if applicable.

  • Cancel Policy Purchase ID: Identifier linking the cancellation policy to a specific purchase.

  • Cancelled At: Timestamp indicating when the order was canceled.

  • Click ID: Unique identifier tracking the specific click that led to the purchase, often used in affiliate tracking.

  • Commission Reason: Explanation or code indicating why a particular commission was granted or adjusted.

  • Commission Reason Message: Detailed message providing context about the commission reason.

  • Date: The date when the order was created, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

  • Currency: The currency in which the transaction was conducted (e.g., USD, EUR).

  • Custom: A field for custom data or notes related to the order.

  • Delivery Types: Methods or options available for delivering the product to the buyer (e.g., digital download, physical shipment).

  • Delivery Types Message: Additional information or instructions related to the chosen delivery method.

  • First Billing Interval: The time period before the first billing occurs, especially relevant for subscriptions.

  • Has Access Data For Buyer: Indicates whether access credentials or data have been provided to the buyer.

  • Has Custom Forms: Specifies if there are custom forms associated with the product or order.

  • Have Rebilling: Indicates whether the order includes recurring billing or subscription payments.

  • ID: Unique identifier for the order or transaction.

  • Is Cancelable Later: Specifies if the order can be canceled at a later date.

  • Is Cancelable Now: Indicates whether the order is currently eligible for cancellation.

  • Is Canceled Later: Shows if the order is scheduled to be canceled at a future date.

  • Is Canceled Now: Indicates if the order has been canceled as of the current date.

  • Is German Tax Installment: Specifies if the order involves German tax regulations for installment payments.

  • Is Rebilling Stoppable Now: Indicates whether the recurring billing can be stopped at this time.

  • Is Refundable Now: Specifies if the order is currently eligible for a refund.

  • Is Uncancellable Installment: Indicates whether an installment payment plan cannot be canceled.

  • Last Refund Possible At: The last date on which a refund can be requested for the order.

  • Main Product ID: Identifier for the primary product purchased in the order.

  • Main Product Name: Name of the primary product purchased.

  • Main Product Type ID: Identifier for the type or category of the main product.

  • Merchant Name: Name of the merchant or vendor selling the product.

  • Next Payment At: Scheduled date for the next payment, applicable for subscriptions or installment plans.

  • Other Billing Intervals: Details about additional billing periods, if any.

  • Rebill Stop Info Button Label: Label text for the button that allows stopping recurring billing.

  • Rebill Stop Info Can Stop: Indicates whether the rebilling can be stopped by the buyer.

  • Rebill Stop Info Code: A unique code or identifier that represents the specific reason or status related to stopping a rebilling process. This code may be used internally by Digistore24 to classify different scenarios where a rebill can or cannot be stopped, such as pending payments, contractual obligations, or system restrictions.

How to Request this Custom Connector

To request Digistore24 data, submit a Custom Connector Request (see link here for instructions).

If you are interested in Digistore24 data that hasn't been covered here, we would like to encourage you to connect with our Integration Engineering team by submitting a Custom Connector Request. They will be more than happy to explore the potential of obtaining additional data.

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