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What data can I get from X Ads?
What data can I get from X Ads?

formerly named Twitter Ads

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Written by Funnel Support
Updated over 5 months ago

Standard reporting

Standard reports are aggregated per day, reporting level and, optionally, segment. Each reporting level has access to all dimensions available to preceding reporting levels, and all reporting levels have access to the same set of standard reporting metrics.

Reporting levels

Campaign report

Ad group report

Promoted post report + Media creative (Display creative) report


Selecting a segment when connecting a data source will allow you to choose it as a dimension in Data Explorer.

  • Platform

  • Location / Country

  • Location / Metro

  • Location / Region

  • Location / Postal Code

  • Audience

  • Keyword

  • Similar to followers of user

  • Age

  • Gender

Campaign dimensions

  • Ad account ID:
    The unique identifier for an X Ads ad account.

  • Campaign:
    The name of a campaign.

  • Campaign ID:
    The base-36-formatted unique identifier of a campaign returned by the X Ads API.

  • Funding source ID:
    The unique identifier of the funding source for a campaign, ad group or ad.

  • Funding source name:
    The name of the funding source for a campaign, ad group or ad.

  • Placement:
    The location, either on X or on the X Audience Platform, where an ad is displayed.

  • Timezone:
    The timezone set on an X Ads account.

Ad group dimensions

All campaign dimensions, plus:

  • Ad group:
    The name of an ad group.

  • Ad group ID:
    The base-36-formatted unique identifier of an ad group returned by the X Ads API.

  • Advertiser domain:

    The website domain name of an advertiser associated with an ad group.

  • Bid type:
    The method (max, target, or automatic) used to set an ad bid.

  • Goal:
    The desired marketing outcome that an ad group is optimized for.

  • Objective:
    The desired marketing result of an ad group, inherited from the campaign level.

  • Pay by:
    The unit that dictates how an "App installs" ad group is charged. Only for ad groups belonging to campaigns with the "App installs" objective set.

  • Primary web event tag:

    The unique identifier of primary engagement tracking web tag associated with an ad group, inherited from the campaign level.

  • Product type:

    The type of promoted product marketed by an ad group.

Promoted post dimensions

All campaign and ad group dimensions, plus:

  • Ad name:

    The name of an ad as displayed in X's UI. Derived from Post name, or Card name if Post name is not populated.

  • Post created at:
    The creation time of a post in UTC timezone.

  • Post created at (ISO):
    The creation time of a post in UTC timezone and ISO-8601 format.

  • Card ID:
    The unique identifier of a post card, derived by Funnel from the card URI.

  • Card media URL:
    The URL linking to a thumbnail of the media contained in a post card.

  • Card name:
    The name of a post card.

  • Card type:
    The media type of a post card.

  • Card website URL:
    The website URL that a post card links to.

  • Post ID:
    The unique identifier of a post.

  • Post name:

    The name of a post.

  • Post text:
    The text of a post.

  • X User ID:
    The unique identifier of the user who created a post.

  • Post media type:
    The type of native media attached to a post. Only populated for posts with native media attached.

Media creative dimensions

All campaign and ad group dimensions, plus:

  • Account media ID
    The unique identifier of the account media entity used to create a display/media creative.

  • Display creative ID:
    The unique identifier of a display/media creative.

  • Display creative type:
    The type of a display/media creative.

  • Landing URL

    The URL template for the landing page linked to from a display/media creative.

  • Media Key

    The unique identifier for a piece of media.

  • Media URL
    The URL linking to a piece of media used in an ad.

    The URL linking to a piece of media used in a video ad.

Engagement & post-engagement metrics

  • App Clicks:
    The number of clicks to install or open an app.

  • Billed results:
    The number of billed actions, views, or impressions.

  • Card engagements:
    The total number of card engagements.

  • Clicks:
    The total number of clicks on links, hashtags, cards, and other post details in an ad, combined with likes and profile clicks.

  • Engagements:
    The total number of interactions with a post, including reposts, replies, likes, poll votes, and hashtag clicks.

  • Follows:
    The total number of followers generated from a post, including earned. For followers campaigns, this number also includes follows from other locations, including Who to follow.

  • Impressions:
    The total number of times an ad is shown to users, including earned.

  • Likes:
    The number of people who liked an ad by clicking the heart button.

  • Link clicks:
    The total number of clicks on a link or website card in an ad, including earned

  • Media engagements:
    The total number of clicks on any media, including videos, GIFs, and images.

  • Media views:
    The total number of views (autoplay and click) of your media across videos, GIFs, and images.

  • Posts posted
    The total number of posts, including quote posts and posts created with conversational cards.

  • Qualified impressions:
    The number of qualified impressions.

  • Replies:
    The number of people that responded to a post by clicking the reply button.

  • Reposts:
    The number of people that reposted an ad by clicking the repost button.

  • Spend
    The total amount spent.

  • Swipes:
    The number of swipes on carousel images or videos.

  • Unfollows:
    Total number of unfollows resulting from a post.

  • Video 3s 100pct views*:
    The total number of video views where at least 3 seconds were played while 100% in view.

  • Video 6s views*:
    The number of video views where at least 6 seconds were played.

  • Video Content Starts*:
    The number of users that started a video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Video CTA Clicks*:
    The number of clicks on the call to action in a video player.

  • Video played 100%*:
    The number of users who watched 100% of a video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Video played 75%*:
    The number of users who watched 75% of a video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Video played 50%*:
    The number of users who watched 50% of a video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Video played 25%*:
    The number of users who watched 25% of a video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Video views*:
    The number of times a video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when a user clicks to expand/unmute a video.

  • Votes:
    The number of X poll votes.

*Video engagement fields report values attributed to Pre-roll views for Pre-roll objective campaigns. Due to a limitation in the X Ads API, non-pre-roll attribution values are not available for Pre-roll objective campaigns.

Mobile conversion metrics

Only metrics for mobile conversion events of the following conversion event types are currently available in Funnel:

  • Achievements unlocked

  • App installs

  • App leads

  • App purchases

  • Cart additions

  • Checkouts initiated

  • Content views

  • Level achieved

  • Payment info additions

  • Searches

  • Tutorials completed

  • Updates

  • Order quantity (with variants):

    • <Event type>

    Multiple metrics that show the number of orders resulting from all conversion events for each event type.

  • Sales amount (with variants):

    • <Event type>

    Multiple metrics that show the amount of sales resulting from all conversion events for each event type.

Mobile conversion metrics > Events

  • <Event type> - Assisted:

    The number of times an ad contributed to an event type, but wasn't the last engagement or view.

  • <Event type>- Post-engagement:
    The number of times an event type was completed within a post-engagement attribution window.

  • <Event type> - Post-view:
    The number of times an event type was completed within a post-engagement attribution window.

Web conversion metrics

Only metrics for web conversion events of the following conversion event types are available in Funnel due to limitations in the X Ads reporting API:

  • Custom events

  • Downloads

  • Site visits

  • Website purchases

  • Website leads

  • CR - Custom events:
    The custom event click rate, Custom events divided by Clicks, derived by Funnel.

  • CR - Downloads:
    The download click rate, Downloads divided by Clicks, derived by Funnel.

  • CR - Website leads:
    The website lead click rate, Website leads divided by Clicks, derived by Funnel.

  • Cost per custom conversion:
    Cost divided by Custom conversions.

  • Cost per download:
    Cost divided by Downloads.

  • Cost per purchase:
    Cost divided by Purchases.

  • Order quantity (with variants):

    • <Event type>

    • <Event type> - Engagement

    • <Event type> - View

    Multiple metrics that show the number of orders resulting from all conversion events for each event type, or resulting from events of each event type that occur within either an engagement or view attribution window.

  • Sales amount (with variants):

    • <Event type>

    • <Event type> - Engagement

    • <Event type> - View

    Multiple metrics that show the amount of sales resulting from all conversion events for each event type, or resulting from events of each event type that occur within either an engagement or view attribution window.

Web conversion metrics > Events

  • <Event type>:

    The number of times an event type was completed.

  • <Event type>- Post-engagement:
    The number of times an event type was completed within a post-engagement attribution window.

  • <Event type> - Post-view:
    The number of times an event type was completed within a post-engagement attribution window.

Web custom conversion metrics

Only metrics for web custom conversion events of the following conversion event types are available in Funnel due to limitations in the X Ads reporting API:

  • Custom events

  • Downloads

  • Site visits

  • Website purchases

  • Website leads

  • Order quantity (with variants):

    • <Custom event tag>

    • <Custom event tag> - Engagement

    • <Custom event tag> - View

    Multiple metrics that show the number of orders resulting from all conversion events for each custom event tag, or resulting from events of each custom event tag that occur within either an engagement or view attribution window.

  • Sales amount (with variants):

    • <Custom event tag>

    • <Custom event tag> - Engagement

    • <Custom event tag> - View

    Multiple metrics that show the amount of sales resulting from all conversion events for each custom event tag, or resulting from events of each custom event tag that occur within either an engagement or view attribution window.

Web custom conversion metrics > Events

  • <Custom event tag>:

    The number of events tagged "<Custom event tag>" that occurred within any attribution window.

  • <Custom event tag>- Post-engagement:
    The number of events tagged "<Custom event tag>" that occurred within a post-engagement attribution window.

  • <Custom event tag> - Post-view:
    The number of events tagged "<Custom event tag>" that occurred within a post-view attribution window.

Reach & Frequency reporting

Reach & Frequency reports are aggregated on the Campaign reporting level and a time window. This determines the number of days worth of data that will be included for a certain date in Funnel. For example, choosing 7 days means that the date 2020-11-07 includes data for 2020-11-01 to 2020-11-07.

Time windows

  • 1 Day

  • 7 Days

  • 30 Days

  • Month to Date

Reach & Frequency dimensions

Reach & Frequency reports only have access to Campaign dimensions.

  • Campaign:
    The name of a campaign.

  • Campaign ID:
    The unique identifier of a campaign.

Reach & Frequency metrics

  • Reach:
    The approximate reach according to X.

  • Average Frequency:
    The average frequency according to X.

How to create a custom dimension for Post URL

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