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What data can I get from Facebook Pages
What data can I get from Facebook Pages

Facebook Pages (by Meta)

Funnel Support avatar
Written by Funnel Support
Updated over a week ago

Funnel's Facebook Pages connector offers four report types: Page Insights, Page Non-aggregatable Insights, Post Insights and Comments Report

This connector offers both organic and paid data.

Page Insights

Select this report type if you want Page level data reported by day. 

This report type will download data for the last 2 years.


CTA destination page
Consumption Type
External domain
Negative Feedback Type
Positive Feedback Type
Profile Tab
Profile Tab Type
Story Type


Auto-Played 10-Second Views (video)
Auto-Played 30-Second Views (video)
Logged-in Tab Views
Logged-out Page Views Per Tab
Negative Feedback From Users
New Likes
Nonviral impressions
Organic impressions
Organic impressions of your posts
Page Consumptions
Page Stories
Paid 10-Second Views (video)
Paid 30-Second Views (video)
Paid Impressions
Paid impressions of your posts
Post Engagements by Page
Total 10-Second Repeats (video)
Total 10-Second Views (video)
Total 30-Second Repeats (video)
Total 30-Second Views (video)
Total Auto-Played Views (video)
Total CTA click count per Page
Total Check-Ins
Total Clicked 10-Second Views (video)
Total Clicked 30-Second Views (video)
Total Clicked Views (video)
Total Impressions
Total Impressions of your posts
Total Organic 10-Second Views (video)
Total Organic 30-Second Views
Total Organic Views (video)
Total Post Anger Reactions of a Page
Total Post Haha Reactions of a Page
Total Post Like Reactions of a Page
Total Post Love Reactions of a Page
Total Post Sorry Reactions of a Page
Total Post Wow Reactions of a Page
Total Promoted Views (video)
Total Video View Time (in MS)
Total Video Views
Total views count per Page
Total: total action count per Page
Unique Unlikes
Viral Impressions
Viral Impressions Of Your Posts

Page Non-aggregatable Insights

Select this report type if you want non-aggregatable Page level data reported by day.

This report type will download data for the last 2 years. 




Lifetime Total Follows
Lifetime Total Likes
Lifetime Likes (City or Country)
Unique New Likes (1 Day, 7 Day or 28 Day)

Total Organic Reach (1 Day, 7 Day or 28 Day)

Total Paid Reach (1 Day, 7 Day or 28 Day)

Total Reach (1 Day, 7 Day or 28 Day)
Unlikes (1 Day, 7 Day or 28 Day)

Post Insights

Select this report type if you want data per post. All metrics reflect accumulated lifetime value, attributed to the date the post was first published.

This report type will download data for the most recent 500 posts if they were published within the past 2 years.

NB: Facebook Reels are not returned as page posts by the Facebook API.


We currently limit the amount of data by number of posts and age of posts. At the moment we're getting data for your last 500 posts if they're published within the last 2 years.

Reels are currently not available in the Post Insights report.


Created Time
Post Description
Post ID
Post Message
Post Status Type
Post Type
Full Picture URL
Post Permalink URL

Post URL

Post metrics

10-Second Views with sound on (Lifetime)

Auto-Played 10-Second Views (Lifetime)

Auto-Played Video Views (Lifetime)

Average time video viewed (Lifetime)

Clicked-to-Play 10-Second Views (Lifetime)

Clicked-to-Play Video Views (Lifetime)

Engaged Users

Unique Post Clicks

Total Post Clicks (Lifetime)

Negative Feedback (Lifetime)

Unique Negative Feedback from Users

Organic 10-Second Views (Lifetime)

Unique Organic Video Views

Organic Video Views (Lifetime)

Unique Organic views to 95%

Organic views to 95% (Lifetime)

Page Post Link Clicks (Lifetime)

Page Post Other Clicks (Lifetime)

Page Post Photo Views (Lifetime)

Paid 10-Second Views (Lifetime)

Unique Paid Video Views

Paid Video Views (Lifetime)

Unique Paid views to 95%

Paid views to 95% (Lifetime)

People who have liked your Page and engaged with your post

Post Comments

Post Impressions by people who have liked your Page (Lifetime)

Post Likes

Post Nonviral Impressions (Lifetime)

Post Nonviral Reach

Post Organic Impressions (Lifetime)

Post Paid Impressions (Lifetime)

Post Paid Reach

Post Shares

Post Total Impressions (Lifetime)

Post Total Reach

Post Viral Impressions (Lifetime)

Post organic reach

Post reach by people who like your Page

Post viral reach

Total 10-Second Views (Lifetime)

Total Like Reactions of a post. (Lifetime)

Total Love Reactions of a post. (Lifetime)

Total Organic Video View Time (Lifetime)

Total Video View Time (Lifetime)

Total Video Views (Lifetime)

Total anger Reactions of a post. (Lifetime)

Total haha Reactions of a post. (Lifetime)

Total sad Reactions of a post. (Lifetime)

Total wow Reactions of a post. (Lifetime)

Unique 10-Second Views

Unique Post Comments

Unique Post Likes

Unique Post Shares

Unique Video Views

Video Views with sound on (Lifetime)

Video length (Lifetime)

Comments Report

Select this report type if you want all comments on a Page's posts.
Note: All comments are attributed to the post's creation date rather than the date of the comment.


Page ID
Post ID
Comment ID
Comment Message
Comment Parent ID
Comment Created Time


Comment Count
Comment Like Count

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