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Equivalent fields from Social organic connectors
Equivalent fields from Social organic connectors

The purpose of this article is to make it easier to understand the capabilities of Funnel's social organic connectors.

Emma Bertilsson avatar
Written by Emma Bertilsson
Updated over a week ago

The two tables below explain what fields from the social organic platforms (Instagram Insights, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn Organic in the first table and Pinterest Organic, X Organic and YouTube Organic in the second) corresponds to common established terms used when reporting on social organic performance.

Why is this needed?

As you can see below, field names representing the same value, or attribute, differ from platform to platform and is hard to decode. This leads to it also being hard to understand if a field is even available in the platform's API and in Funnel.


Instagram Insights

Facebook Pages

LinkedIn Organic

Post Content


Post Message

For video posts:

Video Text

For all other posts:

Update Content

Post Type

Media Type

Post Type

Share Media Category

Total Followers

Followers – Lifetime, Account

Lifetime Total Follows


New Followers (by day)


Followers Gained

Page Engagement

Post engagement by Page

Post Engagement


Post Comments + Post Likes + Total anger Reactions of a post. (Lifetime) + Total haha Reactions of a post. (Lifetime) + Total Like Reactions of a post. (Lifetime) + Total Love Reactions of a post. (Lifetime) + Total sad Reactions of a post. (Lifetime) + Total wow Reactions of a post. (Lifetime) + Post Shares *

For video posts:

Video Clicks + Video Comments + Video Shares + Video Likes*

For all other posts:

Update Clicks + Update Comments + Update Likes + Update Shares *

Page Reach

Reach – (x-day), Account Insights

Total Reach – (x-day)

Post Reach

Reach, Media Insights

Post Total Reach

Video Duration

Video Length

Video Views

Video Views

Total Video Views (Lifetime)

Video View


Pinterest Organic

X Organic


Post Content

Pin Description

Post Text

Video Description

Post Type

Post Type

Total Followers


Channel Subscribers

New Followers (by day)

Subscribers Gained - Subscribers Lost *

Page Engagement

Post Engagement



Likes + Comments + Dislikes + Shares *

Page Reach

Post Reach

Video Duration


Video Views

Video Total Views


– = Not available in Funnel

* = Custom metric in Funnel required

The content of these tables is based on customer research and documentation from the respective platforms. If you have any feedback, you're always welcome to reach out to

Want to learn more about Funnel and Social organic data?

There is a lot to learn about how Social organic data in Funnel and in general. We explain a bit more in detail how the date attribution works, what time windows there are and best practices in the article Introduction to Social Organic reports.

You can also find the full list of available fields from the Social organic connectors behind the links:

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