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How to create a scheduled Microsoft Excel Share
How to create a scheduled Microsoft Excel Share

How to export data from Funnel to Microsoft Excel online

John Johansson avatar
Written by John Johansson
Updated over a week ago

Setting up a new Excel share

This will create a Share to your online version of Microsoft Excel and upload the Excel file to your personal OneDrive. You need to use a Microsoft 365 Work or School account with OneDrive included.

To create a scheduled Microsoft Excel share, go to the "Microsoft Excel" page and click the "+ Create Data Share" button.

Credentials and Destination

When creating a new Microsoft Excel share you will be presented with this screen, where you can start by pressing the "Sign in with Microsoft" button to give Funnel access to upload data with your selected account.

Note: Your Microsoft credentials in Funnel will be inactivated if you don't login to Microsoft with that user in 90 days or whatever time interval your organisation sets as their MaxInactiveTime, see Microsofts help article here.

Site / Drive

By default we will upload to an Excel file in your personal OneDrive.

If you want to upload to another OneDrive or a Drive belonging to a Sharepoint Site you can select that from the dropdown.

If you haven't given us permission to list which Sites you have access to we will ask you to re-authenticate with Microsoft.

Workbook title

This is the full path and name of the workbook (folder + filename). If the Workbook exists in the authenticated user's OneDrive then the Worksheet you select in the next step will be added to that workbook otherwise a new workbook will be created for you.

You can add multiple folder names with slashes in this input field. You can't select folders that have been shared with you but you can create a folder and share that folder (or just the Excel file of course) to other users in the Microsoft UI.

Worksheet title - selecting a specific worksheet

To target a specific worksheet (tab) within a workbook, change "Worksheet title" to the title of an existing worksheet to overwrite it or to a new one and it will be created for you.

Advanced destination settings

If a specific working range within the worksheet is needed, you can specify this by clicking "[+] Show advanced settings" and then adjusting column and row coordinates.

Choose Fields

Funnel will initially select a default set of commonly used dimensions and metrics.

You can modify this selection by pressing the "Choose fields..." button to add or remove fields.


By default, all data is exported but you can reduce the amount of data by adding filters.

  • Dimension filters will filter data on dimensions, such as data from a specific Datasource.

  • Metric filters will filter data on metrics, such as "only include rows with clicks above 200"


If you want currency conversion, select "Choose currency" and then select a currency you wish to export all monetary metrics as.

Metadata output

Enabling the metadata headers will result in rows before the headers and rows with details about the last export, see the example below.

Date range

There are two date range options.

  • Fixed date range: lets you select a static date range, end date will default to today if nothing is selected.

  • Rolling window: lets you select the last days, weeks, months, quarters, and years.

    • Exclude current [period]: this allows you to exclude the last period since it might contain incomplete data.


There are several types of 'schedule intervals' available to make the shares start at your convenience.
Either select up to three specific times per day or regular intervals, such as "Every 6 hours", with the optional offset such as "starting at 2 am" to then run the share at 2 am, 8 am, etc.

There is also the possibility to set an additional minute offset, which can be useful to spread out multiple shares when getting close to your allotted capacity (quota).

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