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Upload conversions to Microsoft Ads
Upload conversions to Microsoft Ads

Activate your Funnel data to optimise your Microsoft Ads campaigns' performance

Niclas Bångman avatar
Written by Niclas Bångman
Updated over a week ago

This is currently a Early access feature available on our Business and Enterprise plans. It may lack some functionality and is not covered by our service level agreement. The feature is provided free of charge, i.e. without incurring any Flexpoint consumption, for as long as it is in the early access program.


Microsofts AI can only optimise their targeting with data that they have, we want to make sure that they understand what is critical business value to you.

Common use cases are that you track store sales offline or that you don't sell directly on the website but through a sales lead pipeline and usually have the sales or qualified lead data in a CRM. Then you can schedule an import of that data into Funnel and then schedule an upload to Microsoft Ads.

Things to note

  • We will always upload hashed user data, so Microsoft will never be sent any actual user data.

  • Microsoft has a maximum attribution window of 90 days (selectable when creating the conversion goal), if the Ad click happened before that it will not be matched in Microsoft's model.

1. Set up a conversion goal in Microsoft

  • Browse to and click "Conversions" -> "Conversion goals".

  • Click "+ Create" and select "Offline conversions".

  • Select a goal category and select "Offline conversions" as the goal type.

  • Select a conversion goal name.

  • Select conversion goal revenue, either a static value or if you want Funnel to send it then select "value may vary" and set a default value.

  • Select if you should count "All" or "Unique", since you also configure in Funnel when a conversion is sent this shouldn't matter. But if you know that you never want to count one ad click more than once then select "Unique".

  • Select a conversion window, default is 30 days but for most use cases increasing it 90 days is a good idea.

  • If you want these conversions to be used in your bidding strategy make that "Include in Conversions" is enabled.

  • Click "Save"

2. Setting up a Data Share in Funnel

First authenticate with a Microsoft user that has access to the Microsoft Ads account that you want to upload to. Then select the Microsoft Ads account and write the name of the conversion goal that you created in step 1.

2.1 Selecting identifier fields

It is mandatory to select at least one identifier which is either of these:

  • Microsoft Click ID

    • You might have to track this yourself, ie taking the msclkid value from the URL. That would be the XXX in this example:

  • Email - The value will be hashed by us during the upload

    • You can usually get the user's email from your CRM or CMS, such as Contact Email or Customer Email.

  • Phone number - The value will be hashed by us during the upload

    • This should be in the E.164 standard, meaning that it should start with a +[country code] and only contain numbers (no spaces or dashes).

We will filter out all rows that don't have values for any of these fields.

2.2 Selecting data fields

  • Conversion time

    • Every conversion needs a "Conversion time" this can either be a date field from your CRM or backend that represents when they converted or it can be the "Upload time", ie. the current time at the time of the upload.

  • Conversion value

    • The value for the conversion can either be set dynamically by selecting a Funnel metric or by using a Funnel custom metric that sets it differently depending on certain rules. When setting up the conversion goal in Microsoft Ads you can also choose to set it to a static value (then you want to "Send nothing" from Funnel) or default it to specific value and then you should select a field here.

2.3 Selecting upload triggers

A row is always uploaded as a new conversion when the User Identifier has not been uploaded before. All of the User Identifier fields has to be unique within the conversion time window. For example if the Click ID has been uploaded but the row has a new email we will still not upload it again, only when the Click ID and Email has not been uploaded for a conversion before (within the conversion time window).

You can however select extra attributes that will cause the row to be uploaded again as a new conversion. If you for example select Conversion time then every time a user converts a new conversion will be sent, instead of just sending one conversion for the first time the user converts.

You can also select Conversion value as a upload trigger, that means that every time the conversion value changes it will be uploaded as a new conversion. An example use case for this is if a user makes a purchase for $10 but then returns it. Then we first upload the purchase conversion with the value $10 and then we get another conversion where the value changes to -$10 and we upload that conversion as well, thus cancelling out the conversion value. This will only make a change if you also have a field selected for Conversion Value.

2.4 Setting filters

Dimension and metric filters can be added to filter the data the way you want.

It is strongly recommended to add filters on at least "Data Source type" and preferably on "Data Source" to make sure you don't get any extra rows when someone adds more Data Sources in you Funnel Workspace.

2.5 Enable the conversion upload

Once you enable the conversion upload it will be scheduled a couple times a day. Mind that it will take a couple hours for the first upload to run and a couple of hours for Microsoft to ingest it.

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