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What data can I get from Yahoo Ad Tech?
What data can I get from Yahoo Ad Tech?
Tobias Modig avatar
Written by Tobias Modig
Updated over a week ago

Our connector Yahoo Ad Tech/DSP provides data from Yahoo Ad Tech/DSP. To access data from Yahoo Native, you'll need to connect a source through the Taboola connector.

When connecting a Yahoo Ad Tech data source you are able to choose between two different report types:

  1. Standard Metrics: In this report, you can select different breakdowns, but keep in mind that adding breakdowns may increase the report generation time.

  2. Reach and Frequency: This report offers four different levels (Advertiser, Campaign, Line Item, or Ad). In addition you can also have one or more of time windows.


Dimensions available for Standard metrics reports:

  • Ad – ID and Name of the Ad.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Ad ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Ad Position – The location on the page where an ad appears.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Ad Position ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Advertiser ID

  • Advertiser name

  • Age – Possible values: 13–17, 18–20, 21–24, 25–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55-­‐59, 60-­‐64, 65+.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Age ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Campaign – ID attached to a campaign. This also returns the name of the campaign.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Campaign ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • City – Available if chosen at connect.

  • City ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Country – Geographic attribute for the country of a visitor.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Country ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Creative – ID and Name of the creative.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Creative Custom ID 1 – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Creative Custom ID 2 – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Creative Custom ID 3 – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Creative ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Creative landing page URL – Available if 'Creative' chosen at connect.

  • Creative landing page domain – Available if 'Creative' chosen at connect.

  • Creative type – Available if 'Creative' chosen at connect.

  • Deal – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Deal ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Device Type – The type of device used by a visitor to count campaign impressions. Possible values: Desktop, Phone, Tablet, Unknown.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Device Type ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Domain – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Gender – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Gender ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Inventory type – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Layout – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Line – ID and Name attached to a line item.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Line ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Market Area – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Market Area ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Media Type – Type of line item. Possible values: Display, Video or Native.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Media Type ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Package – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Package ID – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Pixel (Beacon) – A string that specifies the name of the conversion pixel.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Pixel ID (Beacon ID) – An integer that specifies the pixel ID of the conversion pixel.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Pixel Query String – Returns the Pixel Query String, the parameters passed to a pixel query.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Postal Code – Postal code.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Publisher – The name of the publisher, the supply source that maintains the website or other inventory type with ad space for sale to advertisers.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Publisher Id – An integer that specifies the publisher ID number.
    Available if chosen at connect.

  • Region – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Target segment – Available if chosen at connect.

  • Target segment ID – Available if chosen at connect.

Standard Metrics report breakdowns:

  • Ad

  • Ad Position

  • Age

  • City

  • Country

  • Creative

  • Custom ID

  • Deal

  • Device Type

  • Domain

  • Gender

  • Inventory Type

  • Layout

  • Line Item

  • Market Area

  • Media Type

  • Order/Campaign

  • Package

  • Pixel (Beacon)

  • Pixel Query

  • String

  • Postal Code

  • Publisher

  • Region/State

  • Target Segment

Dimensions available in the Reach and Frequency report:

  • Advertiser

  • Campaign

  • Line Item

  • Ad


Metrics available for Standard metrics report:

  • 100% Completed – The number of video starts that resulted in a 100% video completions.

  • 25% Completed – The number of video starts that resulted in at least a 25% completed video.

  • 50% Completed – The number of video starts that resulted in at least a 50% completed video.

  • 75% Completed – The number of video starts that resulted in at least a 75% completed video.

  • Advertiser Spending – Tracks the total budget delivered as measured by the ad server.

  • Click Through Conversions – (Post-Click Conversions) A click-based conversion occurs when a user clicks on an ad impression, and eventually converts on the advertiser’s site who served the ad.

  • Clicks – Tracks the number of ads clicked.A click occurs whenever a consumer responds to an impression by clicking an ad.

  • Conversions

  • Dynamic conversion value – Not available for users with GAN access.

  • Estimated Billable Amount – Tracks the costs and fees associated with lines or campaigns.
    Not available for users with GAN access.

  • Impressions – The number of impressions served during the selected date range.

  • Publisher Earnings – Tracks the amount paid to publishers.
    Not available for users with GAN access.

  • ROAS – Tracks the return on ad spend: Conversion Value / Advertiser Spending.

  • ROAS Action Value Advertiser Currency – Tracks the ROAS conversion value.
    Not available for users with GAN access.

  • Seat Data Fees – Tracks the fee charged for using Yahoo audience data.
    Not available for users with GAN access.

  • Seat Management Fees – Tracks the cost/fee charged for professional services provided by the platform account team.
    Not available for users with GAN access.

  • Skipped Views – The total number of Video Skips.

  • Start Views / Video Starts – The number of started videos during the selected date range.

  • View Through Conversions – Tracks view-through conversions.A view-based conversion occurs when a consumer views an ad impression.

  • Yahoo Measureable impressions – Impressions measured for viewability. Not all delivered impressions may be measured because of technical limitations or publisher page design.

  • Yahoo Non-Measureable Impressions – Impressions for which viewability could not be measured.

Metrics available in the Reach and Frequency report:

Available time windows: 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, Month to Date, Lifetime

  • Average Frequency Tracks the number of impressions served per unique user.

  • Unique Viewers Tracks the number of unique users.

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