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What data can I get from StackAdapt?

Dimensions and metrics for StackAdapt.

Funnel Support avatar
Written by Funnel Support
Updated this week


  • Advertiser ID

  • Advertiser name

  • Audience – Available in the Insight report if the Audiences breakdown is chosen.

  • Campaign – Available in the Insight report, or in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Campaign ID – Available in the Insight report, or in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Campaign group – Also known as Insertion order or Line item.

  • Campaign group ID – Also known as Insertion order ID or Line item ID.

  • Campaign type – Available in the Insight report, or in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Categories – Available in the Insight report if the Categories breakdown is chosen.

  • Channel – Available in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Click URL – Available in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Conversion tracker – Available in the Delivery report if Conversion Tracker breakdown is chosen.

  • Conversion tracker ID – Available in the Delivery report if Conversion Tracker breakdown is chosen.

  • Conversion type – Specifies whether the conversion is matched by an impression or a click.
    Available in the Delivery report if Conversion Tracker breakdown is chosen.

  • Count type – Specifies whether the conversion can be counted multiple times, or only once, by the same user.
    Available in the Delivery report if Conversion Tracker breakdown is chosen.

  • Country – Available in the Insight report if the Geos breakdown is chosen.

  • Creative – Available in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Creative ID – Available in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Demographics segment – Available in the Insight report if the Demographics breakdown is chosen.

  • Device type – Available in the Insight report if the Devices breakdown is chosen.

  • Region – Available in the Insight report if the Geos breakdown is chosen.

  • Supply source – Available in the Insight report if the Supply sources breakdown is chosen.


  • Audio completed 25%

  • Audio completed 25% Rate

  • Audio completed 50%

  • Audio completed 50% Rate

  • Audio completed 75%

  • Audio completed 75% Rate

  • Audio completed 95%

  • Audio completed 95% Rate

  • Audio started

  • CTR – Click-through rate.

  • Clicks

  • Conversion IP – Available in the Insight report.

  • Conversion clicks – Available in the Insight report.

  • Conversion cookie – Available in the Insight report.

  • Conversion revenue

  • Conversions

  • Cost

  • Engagement rate

  • Frequency (Campaign group) – Non-aggregatable.
    Available in the Delivery report if Campaign group breakdown is chosen.

  • Frequency (Creative) – Non-aggregatable.
    Available in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Impressions

  • Page time – Total time spent on the page.

  • Page time 15s – Number of times 15 seconds was spent on the page.

  • Profit

  • Revenue

  • Secondary conversion – Available in the Delivery report.

  • Time on site – Available in the Insight report.

  • Unique conversions – Non-aggregatable.
    Available in the Delivery report if Campaign group breakdown is chosen.

  • Unique impressions (Campaign group) – Non-aggregatable.
    Available in the Delivery report if Campaign group breakdown is chosen.

  • Unique impressions (Creative) – Non-aggregatable.
    Available in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

  • Video completed 25%

  • Video completed 25% Rate

  • Video completed 50%

  • Video completed 50% Rate

  • Video completed 75%

  • Video completed 75% Rate

  • Video completed 95%

  • Video completed 95% Rate

  • Video started

  • View percent (Campaign group) – Non-aggregatable.
    Available in the Delivery report if Campaign group breakdown is chosen.

  • View percent (Creative) – Non-aggregatable.
    Available in the Delivery report if Creative breakdown is chosen.

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