There are two report types available in the Shopify data source:
Sales Transaction: Sales data on the most granular level, see Getting Started with Shopify Sales Transaction for more details.
Inventory: Your Shopify store's inventory data. Contains snapshots for each day starting from the day you connected the data source.
Sales Transaction Fields
Billing Country
Billing City
Billing Province
Billing Zip Code
Customer Created At
Customer ID
Customer ID URI
Customer Order Index
Customer Sale Type
Customer Tags
First Visit Campaign*
First Visit Content*
First Visit Medium*
First Visit Referrer URL*
First Visit Source from UTM*
First Visit Source*
First Visit Term*
Fully Paid
Last Visit Campaign*
Last Visit Content*
Last Visit Medium*
Last Visit Referrer URL*
Last Visit Source from UTM*
Last Visit Source*
Last Visit Term*
Line Item ID
Line Item Name
Order Action Type
Order App Name
Order Created At
Order Discount Code
Order ID
Order Name
Order Purchasing Entity
Order Tags
Order Updated At
Product ID
Product Tags
Product Title
Product Type
Product Vendor
Publication Name
Sale Action Type
Sale Line Type
Sales Channel
Shipping Country
Shipping City
Shipping Province
Shipping Zip Code
Transaction Timestamp
Variant ID
Variant Title
*If the order was placed on the first visit, it will only be attributed to first visit.
Customer Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
If you choose to include "Customer Personally Identifiable Information (PII)" data when connecting a data source, the following dimensions will be included as well:
Customer Email
Customer First Name
Customer Last Name
Additional Details
If your store utilizes Additional Details, you can add them to Funnel by following this guide.
Average Items Per Order
Average Order Value
Compare at Price
Gross Margin - Requires the Product Cost field to be used in Shopify
Gross Sales
Gross Profit - Requires the Product Cost field to be used in Shopify
Items Returned
Items Sold
Line Item Original Unit Price
New Customer Orders
Net Sales
Net Profit - Requires the Product Cost field to be used in Shopify, as well as at least one other connector that has marketing cost/ad spend.
Net Profit Margin - Requires the Product Cost field to be used in Shopify, as well as at least one other connector that has marketing cost/ad spend.
Returning Customer Orders
Return Rate
Sales Quantity - Items sold minus items returned
Total Amount Including Taxes
Total Cost (COGS)
Total Discount Amount Excluding Taxes
Total Discount Amount Including Taxes
Total Sales
Total Tax Amount
Inventory Fields
Location ID
Location Name
Product ID
Product Tags
Product Title
Product Type
Variant ID
Variant Name
Available Quantity
Committed Quantity
Damaged Quantity
Incoming Quantity
On Hand Quantity
Quality Control Quantity
Reserved Quantity
Safety Stock Quantity
Variant Unit Cost