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What data can I get from Amazon Seller Central?

Amazon Seller Central dimensions and metrics in Funnel

Funnel Support avatar
Written by Funnel Support
Updated over a year ago

Note: Amazon Seller Central data is not affected by the destination limitations imposed by Amazon on Amazon Ads data.

Report type

The report type you select on connect determines what fields will be available in Funnel for an Amazon Seller Central data source.

These are your options:

  • Orders - High level order data where each row of data represents one order.

  • Order Item Details - Contains detailed order item information where each row represents one order item and therefore there can be multiple rows per order.

  • Sales and Traffic - Overview of sales performance metrics, as well as page traffic metrics. Aggregated by day.

  • Sales and Traffic by ASIN - Sales performance metrics, as well as page traffic metrics. Aggregated by Child or Parent ASIN.

  • Returns - Detailed returns information. Sorted by "Return Request Date" as default.
    This report does not include FBA returns.

Available for "Order"


  • Amazon Order Id - An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format.

  • Buyer County - The county of the buyer.

  • Buyer Email - The anonymized email address of the buyer.

  • Buyer Name - The buyer name or the recipient name.

  • Company Legal Name - The legal name of the buyer's company.

  • Fulfillment Channel - Whether the order was fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or by the seller (MFN).

  • Order Status

  • Order Type

  • Payment Method - The payment method for the order. This property is limited to Cash On Delivery (COD) and Convenience Store (CVS) payment methods.

  • Purchase date - The date and time in UTC for when the order was placed.

  • Purchase Order Number - The purchase order (PO) number entered by the buyer at checkout. Returned only for orders where the buyer entered a PO number at checkout.

  • Sales Channel - The sales channel of the first item in the order.

  • Seller Order Id - A seller-defined order identifier.

  • Shipment Service Level

  • Shipment Service Level Category - The shipment service level category of the order. Possible values: Expedited, FreeEconomy, NextDay, SameDay, SecondDay, Scheduled, Standard.

  • Taxing Region - The buyer's country or region imposing the tax.


  • Number of Items Shipped

  • Number of Items Unshipped

  • Order Total - The total charge for this order.

Available for "Order Item Details"


  • Address Type - Shows whether the order is 'Commercial' or 'Residential'.

  • Amazon Order Id - An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format.

  • ASIN - The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item.

  • Buyer Requested Cancel Reason

  • Fulfillment Channel - Whether the order was fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or by the seller (MFN).

  • Is Business Order - Shows whether or not the order came from an Amazon Business account.

  • Is Buyer Requested Cancellation

  • Is IBA - Shows whether or not the order was invoiced by Amazon.

  • Item Status

  • Last Updated - The date and time in UTC of the most recent order update.

  • Order Channel - The sub channel through which a sale was made for CBA/WBA orders.

  • Order Invoice Type

  • Order Status

  • Price Designation

  • Product Name

  • Promotion IDs - List of all item promotions applied to this order item.

  • Purchase date - The date and time in UTC for when the order was placed.

  • Purchase Order Number

  • Sales Channel - The sales channel of the first item in the order.

  • Seller Order Id - A seller-defined order identifier.

  • Seller SKU

  • Shipment Service Level

  • Shipping City - The city of a standard address.

  • Shipping Country - ISO 3166 standard two-letter country code.

  • Shipping Postal Code - The postal (zip) code of a standard address.

  • Shipping State - The state or region of a standard address.


  • Gift Wrap Price - The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price.

  • Gift Wrap Tax - The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price.

  • Item Price

  • Item Promotion Discount - Total of all promotion discounts applied to the order item.

  • Item Tax

  • Quantity Ordered

  • Shipping Price - The amount the buyer paid for shipping. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price.

  • Shipping Promotion Discount - Promotion discount applied to shipping.

  • Shipping Tax

Available for "Sales and Traffic"


  • Currency - The Funnel currency field maps to the Amazon currency code for Product Sales.


  • Average Offer Count - The given day's average number of offers listed for sale.

  • Average Parent Items - The given day's average number of parent items listed for sale.

  • Average Sales Per Order Item (B2B) Amount - The given day's average B2B sales per order item, calculated by dividing the ordered product sales by the total order items.

  • Average Sales Per Order Item Amount - The given day's average sales per order item, calculated by dividing the ordered product sales by the total order items.

  • Average Selling Price (B2B) Amount - The given day's average price of the units sold B2B, calculated by dividing the ordered product sales by the total units.

  • Average Selling Price Amount - The given day's average price of the units sold, calculated by dividing the ordered product sales by the total units.

  • Average Units Per Order Item - The given day's average number of units in each order.

  • Average Units Per Order Item (B2B) - The given day's average number of units in each B2B order given per day.

  • A-to-Z Claims Amount - Monetary amount of filed A-to-Z Guarantee Claims.

  • A-to-Z Claims Granted - Number of A-to-Z Guarantee Claims Granted.

  • Browser Page Views

  • Browser Page Views (B2B)

  • Browser Sessions - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Browser Sessions (B2B) - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Featured Offer (Buy box) Percentage - The given day's percentage of page views where the featured offer (the add to shopping basket link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their basket.

  • Featured Offer (Buy box) Percentage (B2B) - The given day's percentage of page views where the featured offer (the add to shopping basket link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their basket.

  • Feedback Received

  • Mobile App Page Views

  • Mobile App Page Views (B2B)

  • Mobile App Sessions - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Mobile App Sessions (B2B) - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Negative Feedback Received - The given day's total negative feedback received divided by total feedback received.

  • Order Item Session Percentage - The given day's percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased relative to the number of people who viewed the order item.

  • Order Item Session Percentage (B2B) - The given day's percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased B2B relative to the number of people who viewed the order item.

  • Order Product Sales (B2B) Amount - The amount of B2B ordered product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of order items and the number of units sold.

  • Order Product Sales Amount

  • Orders Shipped

  • Page Views - Hits in your presence.

  • Page Views (B2B) - Hits in your presence.

  • Received Negative Feedback Rate - Total negative feedback received divided by total feedback received for the given date.

  • Refund Rate - The given day's refund rate, calculated by dividing the number of units refunded by the number of units sold.

  • Sessions - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Sessions (B2B) - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session

  • Shipped Product Sales Amount - The amount of shipped product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of order items and the number of shipped units sold.

  • Total Order Items - Total number of order items. If "total order items" = "units ordered" then every customer ordered 1 unit.

  • Total Order Items (B2B) - Total number of B2B order items. If "total order items" = units ordered" then every customer ordered 1 unit

  • Unit Session Percentage (B2B) - The given day's percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased B2B relative to the number of people who viewed the product.

  • Unit Sessions Percentage - The given day's percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased relative to the number of people who viewed the product.

  • Units Ordered - Number of units ordered. E.g. 3 copies of Book A and 4 copies of Book B is 7 units ordered.

  • Units Ordered (B2B) - Number of B2B units ordered. E.g. 3 copies of Book A and 4 copies of Book B is 7 units ordered.

  • Units Refunded

  • Units Shipped

Available for "Sales and Traffic by ASIN"


  • Currency - The Funnel currency field maps to the Amazon currency code for Product Sales.

  • Parent ASIN

  • Child ASIN


  • Browser Page Views

  • Browser Page Views (B2B)

  • Browser Sessions - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Browser Sessions (B2B) - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Mobile App Page Views

  • Mobile App Page Views (B2B)

  • Mobile App Sessions - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Mobile App Sessions (B2B) - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Order Product Sales Amount

  • Order Product Sales Amount (B2B) - The amount of B2B ordered product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of order items and the number of units sold.

  • Page Views (Total) - Hits in your presence.

  • Page Views (B2B) - Hits in your presence.

  • Sessions (Total) - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session.

  • Sessions (B2B) - Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session

  • Total Order Items - Total number of order items. If "total order items" = "units ordered" then every customer ordered 1 unit.

  • Total Order Items (B2B) - Total number of B2B order items. If "total order items" = units ordered" then every customer ordered 1 unit

  • Units Ordered - Number of units ordered. E.g. 3 copies of Book A and 4 copies of Book B is 7 units ordered.

  • Units Ordered (B2B) - Number of B2B units ordered. E.g. 3 copies of Book A and 4 copies of Book B is 7 units ordered.

Available for "Returns"


  • A-to-Z Claim - Shows whether or not the return is an A-to-Z Claim. Displays N for No and Y for Yes.

  • Amazon RMA Id - RMA ID assigned by Amazon.

  • ASIN - Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique 10-letter codes assigned to every item available on Amazon.

  • Currency Code

  • In Policy - Shows whether or not the return is in policy. Displays N for No and Y for Yes.

  • Invoice Number

  • Is Prime - Shows whether or not the return is Prime or not. Displays N for No and Y for Yes.

  • Item Name

  • Label To Be Paid By - Indicates whether the return label is paid by the Seller or Customer.

  • Label Type - Displays the type of label that was used for the return.

  • Merchant RMA Id - RMA ID assigned by the seller.

  • Merchant SKU - Product SKU assigned by the seller.

  • Order Date

  • Order Id

  • Resolution - The choice of resolution for the return.

  • Return Carrier - The shipping carrier used for the return.

  • Return Delivery Date

  • Return Reason - Reason for the return.

  • Return Request Date - The date that the return was requested by the customer.

  • Return Request Status - The current status of the return.

  • Return Type - The type of return, where C-Return indicates a customer return.

  • SafeT Action Reason - Amazon's response to the Safe-T Claim.

  • SafeT Claim Creation Time - Date and time when the Safe-T Claim was created.

  • SafeT Claim Id - The unique ID associated with the Safe-T Claim.

  • SafeT Claim State - Current status of the Safe-T Claim.

  • Tracking ID


  • Label Cost

  • Order Amount

  • Order Quantity

  • Refunded Amount

  • Return Quantity

  • SafeT Claim Reimbursement Amount

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