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What data can I get from Pinterest?
What data can I get from Pinterest?

Pinterest dimensions and metrics in Funnel

Gustav Karlsson avatar
Written by Gustav Karlsson
Updated over a week ago

Funnel retrieves data from Pinterest Marketing API version 5.

How far back in time can I get data from Pinterest?

The Pinterest connector will download data as far back as 913 days, as stated in the Pinterest Developer Documentation here. It is not possible to extend the download of historical data further back, due to limitations in the Pinterest Marketing API.

Connect level

The level you select on connect determines what dimensions will be available in Funnel for a Pinterest data source. These are your options:

  • Campaign

  • Ad Group (Campaign -> Ad Group)

  • Product Group (Campaign -> Ad Group -> Product Group) 

  • Pin Promotion (Campaign -> Ad Group -> Pin Promotion)

Targeting Breakdown

A data source can have one of the following targeting breakdowns:

  • Age Bucket

  • App Type

  • Audience Include

  • Country

  • Gender

  • Geo

  • Keyword

  • Location

  • Pinner Interest

  • Placement

  • Region

  • Targeted Interest

Targeting breakdown can be used with all connect levels.

If a targeting breakdown has been selected its value will be displayed as:

  • Targeting Breakdown

  • Targeting Value

Note that the following metrics are not available when using a targeting breakdown:

  • Frequency 1 Day

  • Reach 1 Day


Available for all

  • Campaign ID

  • Campaign Managed Status

  • Campaign Name

  • Campaign Status

  • Objective

  • Advertiser ID

  • Advertiser Name

Available with "Ad Group"

  • Ad Group ID

  • Ad Group Name

  • Ad Group Status

Available with "Pin Promotion"

  • Pin Promotion ID

  • Pin Promotion Name

  • Pin Promotion Status

  • Pin Promotion Destination Url


Available for all

  • Click-through conversions (Add to cart)

  • Click-through conversions (Category view)

  • Click-through conversions (Page visit)

  • Click-through value (Add to cart)

  • Conversion Quantity From Page Visit - Clicks

  • Conversion Quantity From Page Visit - Views

  • Conversion Quantity From Page Visits

  • Conversions

  • Earned engagements

  • Earned impressions

  • Earned Outbound Clicks

  • Earned Pin Clicks

  • Earned saves

  • Engagement conversions (Page visit)

  • Outbound Clicks (Paid Outbound Clicks + Earned Outbound Clicks)

  • Paid engagements

  • Paid impressions

  • Paid Outbound Clicks

  • Paid Pin Clicks

  • Paid saves

  • Spend

  • Total Conversion Quantity

  • Total Conversion Value

  • Total Conversions From Add To Cart Clicks

  • View-through conversions (Category view)

  • View-through conversions (Page visit)

Available with "Product Group"

  • Frequency 1 Day, Product Group

  • Reach 1 Day, Product Group

Available with "Campaign"

  • Frequency 90 Days, Campaign

  • Reach 90 Days, Campaign

Available with "Ad Group"

  • Frequency 90 Days, Ad Group

  • Reach 90 Days, Ad Group

Available with "Campaign", "Ad Group" and "Pin Promotion"

  • App install desktop action -> desktop conversion

  • App install desktop action -> mobile conversion

  • App install desktop action -> tablet conversion

  • App install mobile action -> desktop conversion

  • App install mobile action -> mobile conversion

  • App install mobile action -> tablet conversion

  • App install tablet action -> desktop conversion

  • App install tablet action -> mobile conversion

  • App install tablet action -> tablet conversion

  • Buyable Pin In-App Checkout Value

  • Buyable Pin In-App Checkouts

  • Click-through conversions (App install)

  • Click-through conversions (Checkout)

  • Click-through conversions (Custom)

  • Click-through conversions (Lead)

  • Click-through conversions (Signup)

  • Click-through conversions (Unknown)

  • Click-through conversions (Watch video)

  • Click-through conversions (Website search)

  • Click-through order quantity (Checkout)

  • Click-through order value (Checkout)

  • Click-through value (App install)

  • Click-through value (Category view)

  • Click-through value (Custom)

  • Click-through value (Lead)

  • Click-through value (Page visit)

  • Click-through value (Signup)

  • Click-through value (Unknown)

  • Click-through value (Watch video)

  • Click-through value (Website search)

  • Conversion Quantity From Add To Cart

  • Conversion Quantity From Custom

  • Conversion Quantity From Custom - Clicks

  • Conversion Quantity From Custom - Engagements

  • Conversion Quantity From Custom - Views

  • Conversion Quantity From Lead

  • Conversion Quantity From Search

  • Conversion Quantity From Signup

  • Conversion Quantity From Signup - Clicks

  • Conversion Quantity From Signup - Engagements

  • Conversion Quantity From Signup - Views

  • Conversion Quantity From View Category

  • Conversion Quantity From Watch Video

  • Conversion quantity from unknown - clicks

  • Conversion quantity from unknown - engagements

  • Conversion quantity from unknown - views

  • Conversions (Add to cart)

  • Conversions (App install)

  • Conversions (Category view)

  • Conversions (Checkout)

  • Conversions (Custom)

  • Conversions (Lead)

  • Conversions (Page visit)

  • Conversions (Signup)

  • Conversions (Unknown)

  • Conversions (Watch video)

  • Conversions (Website search)

  • Earned saves

  • Earned video starts

  • Earned video views

  • Earned video watched at 100%

  • Earned video watched at 25%

  • Earned video watched at 50%

  • Earned video watched at 75%

  • Earned video watched at 95%

  • Earned video watched for 3 seconds

  • Engagement conversions (Add to cart)

  • Engagement conversions (App install)

  • Engagement conversions (Category view)

  • Engagement conversions (Checkout)

  • Engagement conversions (Custom)

  • Engagement conversions (Lead)

  • Engagement conversions (Signup)

  • Engagement conversions (Unknown)

  • Engagement conversions (Watch video)

  • Engagement conversions (Website search)

  • Engagement order quantity (Checkout)

  • Engagement order value (Checkout)

  • Engagement value (Add to cart)

  • Engagement value (App install)

  • Engagement value (Category view)

  • Engagement value (Custom)

  • Engagement value (Lead)

  • Engagement value (Page visit)

  • Engagement value (Signup)

  • Engagement value (Unknown)

  • Engagement value (Watch video)

  • Engagement value (Website search)

  • Frequency 1 Day, Campaign (Only available on Campaign level)

  • Frequency 1 Day, Ad Group (Only available on Ad Group level)

  • Frequency 1 Day, Pin Promotion (Only available on Pin Promotion level)

  • Order quantity (Checkout)

  • Order value (Checkout)

  • Paid video starts

  • Paid video views

  • Paid video watched at 100%

  • Paid video watched at 25%

  • Paid video watched at 50%

  • Paid video watched at 75%

  • Paid video watched at 95%

  • Paid video watched for 3 seconds

  • Reach 1 Day, Campaign (Only available on Campaign level)

  • Reach 1 Day, Ad Group (Only available on Ad Group level)

  • Reach 1 Day, Pin Promotion (Only available on Pin Promotion level)

  • Total Add To Cart Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Add To Cart Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Add To Cart Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Add To Cart Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Add To Cart Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Add To Cart Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Add To Cart Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Add To Cart Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Add To Cart Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Checkout Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Checkout Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Checkout Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Checkout Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Checkout Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Checkout Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Checkout Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Checkout Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Checkout Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Conversions From Add To Cart Engagements

  • Total Conversions From Add To Cart Views

  • Total Conversions From Lead Clicks

  • Total Conversions From Lead Engagements

  • Total Conversions From Lead Views

  • Total Conversions From Search Clicks

  • Total Conversions From Search Engagements

  • Total Conversions From Search Views

  • Total Conversions From View Category Clicks

  • Total Conversions From View Category Engagements

  • Total Conversions From View Category Views

  • Total Conversions From Watch Video Clicks

  • Total Conversions From Watch Video Engagements

  • Total Conversions From Watch Video Views

  • Total Custom Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Custom Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Custom Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Custom Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Custom Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Custom Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Custom Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Custom Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Custom Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Lead Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Lead Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Lead Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Lead Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Lead Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Lead Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Lead Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Lead Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Lead Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Onsite Checkouts

  • Total Page Visit Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Page Visit Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Page Visit Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Page Visit Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Page Visit Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Page Visit Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Page Visit Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Page Visit Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Page Visit Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Search Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Search Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Search Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Search Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Search Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Search Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Search Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Search Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Search Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Signup Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Signup Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Signup Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Signup Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Signup Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Signup Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Signup Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Signup Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Signup Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total View Category Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total View Category Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total View Category Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total View Category Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total View Category Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total View Category Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total View Category Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total View Category Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total View Category Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Desktop Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Desktop Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Desktop Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Mobile Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Mobile Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Mobile Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Tablet Action To Desktop Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Tablet Action To Mobile Conversions

  • Total Watch Video Tablet Action To Tablet Conversions

  • Unknown desktop action -> desktop conversion

  • Unknown desktop action -> mobile conversion

  • Unknown desktop action -> tablet conversion

  • Unknown mobile action -> desktop conversion

  • Unknown mobile action -> mobile conversion

  • Unknown mobile action -> tablet conversion

  • Unknown tablet action -> desktop conversion

  • Unknown tablet action -> mobile conversion

  • Unknown tablet action -> tablet conversion

  • Value (App install)

  • Value (Category view)

  • Value (Lead)

  • Value (Page visit)

  • Value (Signup)

  • Value (Unknown)

  • Value (Watch video)

  • Value (Website search)

  • View-through conversions (Add to cart)

  • View-through conversions (App install)

  • View-through conversions (Checkout)

  • View-through conversions (Custom)

  • View-through conversions (Lead)

  • View-through conversions (Signup)

  • View-through conversions (Unknown)

  • View-through conversions (Watch video)

  • View-through conversions (Website search)

  • View-through order quantity (Checkout)

  • View-through order value (Checkout)

  • View-through value (Add to cart)

  • View-through value (App install)

  • View-through value (Category view)

  • View-through value (Custom)

  • View-through value (Lead)

  • View-through value (Page visit)

  • View-through value (Signup)

  • View-through value (Unknown)

  • View-through value (Watch video)

  • View-through value (Website search)

  • Offline Checkout ROAS

  • Total Offline Checkout

  • Total Offline Checkout Value

  • Web Checkout ROAS

  • Total Web Checkout

  • Total Web Checkout Value

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