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VK Ads – troubleshooting

Common issues with VK ads data

Johannes Andreasson avatar
Written by Johannes Andreasson
Updated over 2 years ago

Why are my accounts not showing up when I try to connect?

A new version of VK Ads was launched recently. Our current integration does not yet support this new platform, it can only handle accounts that operate in the old VK Ads platform. In other words:

If you are using the old VK Ads platform (, you should be able to connect your account(s) to our integration.

If you are using the new VK Ads platform (, then your account(s) will not show up when connecting.

Why are my video metrics not showing what I expect?

"Video Clicks Site", "Video Views", "Video Views Full" and "Video Views Half" are only relevant for "video ads". Other ads, even though they may contain a video, will not be reflected by these metrics.

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