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What data can I get from Tune Network?

Dimensions and metrics for Tune Network.

Funnel Support avatar
Written by Funnel Support
Updated this week


  • Ad ID – ID of Transaction object created by the ad server.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Advertiser – Advertiser company name.

  • Advertiser ID – The advertiser id.

  • Advertiser info – Advertiser sub passed by advertiser on conversion.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Advertiser sub ID 2 – Advertiser sub ID 2 specified in the conversion link.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Advertiser sub ID 3 – Advertiser sub ID 3 specified in the conversion link.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Advertiser sub ID 4 – Advertiser sub ID 4 specified in the conversion link.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Advertiser sub ID 5 – Advertiser sub ID 5 specified in the conversion link.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Affiliate Company – The affiliate company.

  • Affiliate ID – The affiliate id.

  • Affiliate click ID – Unique click ID used to reference an individual click or session passed in by the Affiliate when the session started.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Affiliate sub 1 – Affiliate sub 1 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started.

  • Browser display name – Name of the web browser.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • City name – Name of city where conversion occurred.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Country name

  • Creative URL ID – ID of the offer URL; defaults to 0 if none is set.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Customer ID – ID of customer object; defaults to 0 if none is set.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Datetime – Date (with time) the conversion was generated.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Goal ID – ID of Goal object. If none is set, defaults to 0.

  • Is adjustment – Flag to mark if the conversion was created as an adjustment.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Offer – Offer name.

  • Offer ID – The offer id.

  • Offer URL name – Name of the offer URL.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Offer URL preview URL – Preview link for the offer URL.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Payout group ID – ID of the Payout Group for this conversion.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Payout group name – Name of the Payout Group for this conversion.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Payout type – Offer (or Goal, if applicable) payout type.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Pixel referral URL – Referral URL for the conversion pixel.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Referral URL – Referral URL where session was started.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Region code – Region code detected by the device when the conversion occurred.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Region name – Name of region detected by the device when the conversion occurred.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Revenue type – Offer (or Goal, if applicable) revenue type.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Source – Affiliate source passed in by the Affiliate when the session was started.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Status – Status of the Conversion.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Status code – Code providing granular status details.
    Available in the Conversions report.

  • Tune event ID – ID of unique, auto-generated object for this Conversion.
    Available in the Conversions report.


  • CR – The percentage of HasOffers clicks that resulted in a conversion.

  • Clicks – Number of HasOffers clicks.
    Available in the Stats report.

  • Conversions – Number of HasOffers conversions.

  • Impressions – Number of HasOffers impressions.
    Available in the Stats report.

  • Payout – Amount spent in HasOffers.

  • Revenue – Revenue generated from HasOffers traffic.

  • Sale amount – The sale amount.
    Available in the Conversions report.

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