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Troubleshooting - The Trade Desk

Common issues when connecting to The Trade Desk

Funnel Support avatar
Written by Funnel Support
Updated over 3 months ago

Cannot connect a new source

1. Ensure API Access:

You need both MyReports API access and Scheduling API access, as well as permission to create reports. If you're unsure about your access level or need assistance, reach out to your Trade Desk Account Manager for guidance.

2. Verify Credentials:

Double-check that you've entered the correct credentials.

3. Confirm Report Level:

The next step is to make sure that you have connected the right report level. There are two options available: Advertiser report level or Partner report level. It's essential to select the appropriate report level based on your requirements and permissions.


I can't see my Advertiser ID when connecting The Trade Desk to Funnel

When connecting on Advertiser report level Funnel will fetch the first 1500 Advertisers connected to that Partner ID. If you have more than 1500 Advertisers connected to your Partner ID that might be the reason you can not see it.

No value for Cost in the custom Template ID report

If data for Advertiser Cost is missing, verify in The Trade Desk UI that the template ID includes the metric Advertiser Cost (Adv Currency). Advertiser Cost (USD) is not a supported field in Funnel and must be replaced with Advertiser Cost (Adv Currency).

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