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WooCommerce - Troubleshooting

Common issues with WooCommerce

Funnel Support avatar
Written by Funnel Support
Updated over 2 months ago

How far back in time can I get data from WooCommerce?

By default the WooCommerce connector will download data as far back as 450 days. If your shop was created before then and you would like to extend download of historical data further back, you can contact and request a specific date.

Funnel is showing more orders than my WooCommerce dashboard

As a first step, please make sure you have added the following dimension filters in your Funnel Data Explorer:

  1. Order status does not contain cancelled

  2. Order status does not contain failed

This should filter out all orders that do not show in the regular WooCommerce interface.

Some of my orders are appearing in USD, even though my shop does not use that currency. Why is this?

Sometimes, orders will not have a currency associated with them at all. This is common for orders where no payment is involved, "free" orders so to speak. Funnel expects to have a currency on each row of data that contains monetary values, so when an order without any associated currency is encountered, USD is used as a fallback currency.

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