You can fetch data about Pipedrive Deals, Pipedrive Leads and Pipedrive Activities. See which data you can get down below.
Pipedrive Deals
The Pipedrive Deals connector fetches almost all fields for each deal in the connected Pipedrive account. Both Pipedrive defined fields and custom defined fields are included.
Please NOTE that Leads and Deals share custom fields and custom fields on the Lead will carry over onto the Deal.
Funnel derived columns
Number of Deals
Pipeline Name
Stage Name
Pipedrive Leads
The Pipedrive Leads connector fetches almost all fields for each lead in the connected Pipedrive account. Both Pipedrive defined fields and custom defined fields are included.
Please NOTE that when a Lead gets converted into a Deal, the Lead is removed. Pipedrive does not a have an ID that can be used to track this, however Leads and Deals share custom fields and custom fields on the Lead will carry over onto the Deal. This can be utilized to keep track of things. The custom fields and how they are populated need to be setup in your own Pipedrive CRM environment.
Funnel derived columns
Number of Leads
Pipedrive Activities
The Pipedrive Activities connector fetches all fields for each activity in the connected Pipedrive account. Only Pipedrive defined fields on the Activity object are included.
When connecting to Pipedrive we need certain scopes that are specified in our app in Pipedrive. These are unfortunately the same for every connector. Because of this, we need access to all of the scopes listed, regardless of which connector you are using.
For better performance, we need to be able to use Filters in the Pipedrive API, and that
requires full access (we need to be able to create and delete the filters). This is the reason the we request full access on some objects. We don't use the full access for anything else.