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What data can I get from HubSpot?
What data can I get from HubSpot?

Read what different HubSpot source types we have, and discover what data you can get from each of them.

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Written by Funnel Support
Updated over 4 months ago

There are several HubSpot source types available. You can read what data (fields) you can get from each of them in their respective section.

What data can I get from...

HubSpot Activities

The HubSpot Activities connector fetches all CRM actions (activities) in the connected HubSpot account, i.e. Calls, Emails, Meetings, Notes and Tasks. Each Activity Type has its own set of fields, therefore one source needs to be connected per type. Tasks and Notes are attributed to the Create Date, while the other three are attributed to the Activity Date. Each Activity Type comes with associations to Contacts, Deals and Companies.

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HubSpot Leads

The HubSpot Leads connector fetches all properties for each lead in the connected HubSpot account. Both HubSpot defined properties and custom defined properties are included.

Associations are retrieved using the Associations API.

  • Lead to contact associations - a list of contact ids related to the lead

  • Lead to deal associations - a list of deal ids related to the lead

  • Lead to company associations - a list of company ids related to the lead

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HubSpot Companies

The HubSpot Companies connector fetches all properties for each company in the connected HubSpot account. Both HubSpot defined properties and custom defined properties are included.

Associations are retrieved using the Associations API.

  • Company to deal associations - a list of deal ids related to the company

  • Company to contact associations - a list of contact ids related to the company

  • Company to ticket associations - a list of ticket ids related to the company

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HubSpot Contacts

The HubSpot Contacts connector fetches all properties for each contact at the connected HubSpot account. Both HubSpot defined properties and custom defined properties are included.

Funnel derived columns:

  • Number of Contacts - Adds 1 on each row to make it easier to count

  • Form submission names - a semi colon separated list of form names corresponding to the form id list that is available out of the box. This data is retrieved using the Forms API.

Associations are retrieved using the Associations API.

  • Contact to deal associations - a list of deal ids related to the contact

  • Contact to company associations - a list of company ids related to the contact

  • Contact to ticket associations - a list of ticket ids related to the contact

Interesting Links:

HubSpot Deals

The HubSpot Deals connector fetches all properties for each deal in the connected HubSpot account. Both HubSpot defined properties and custom defined properties are included.

Funnel derived columns:

  • Number of Deals - Adds 1 on each row makes it easier to count

  • Deal Owner Name

Pipeline meta data is retrieved from the Pipelines API.

  • Pipeline Name

  • Deal Stage Name

Associations are retrieved using the Associations API.

  • Deal to contact associations - a list of contact ids related to the deal

  • Deal to company associations - a list of company ids related to the deal

  • Deal to ticket associations - a list of ticket ids related to the deal

Interesting Links:

HubSpot Email Events

The Email Events is used to get information about events generated by emails or email campaigns sent through a HubSpot account to CRM recipients. You can get the pivoted events, or choose to have the raw events. When the data is pivoted, you will see data where each row is statistics for each campaign on a certain day.

Pivoted fields:

  • Campaign id

  • Sent

  • Dropped

  • Processed

  • Delivered

  • Deferred

  • Bounced

  • Opened

  • Clicked

  • Status changed

  • Spam reported

Raw event fields :

  • AppId

  • AppName

  • Attempt

  • Bcc

  • Category

  • Cc

  • Created

  • DeviceType

  • DropMessage

  • DropReason

  • Duration

  • EmailCampaignGroupId

  • EmailCampaignId

  • FilteredEvent

  • LinkId

  • PortalId

  • PortalSubscriptionStatus

  • Recipient

  • Referer

  • ReplyTo

  • Response

  • SmtpId

  • Source

  • SourceId

  • Status

  • Subject

  • Subscriptions

  • Type

  • Url

  • UserAgent

  • Browser_name

  • Browser_family

  • Browser_producer

  • Browser_producerUrl

  • Browser_type

  • Browser_url

  • Browser_version

  • Location_country

  • Location_city

  • Location_state

  • Location_zipcode

  • SentBy_id

  • SentBy_created

Interesting Links:

HubSpot Marketing Email

This connector integrates with the Marketing Email API and gives you stats and metadata on outbound marketing emails sent from within HubSpot.



  • Sent

  • Open

  • Delivered

  • Bounce

  • Unsubscribed

  • Click

  • Dropped

  • Selected

  • Spamreport

  • Suppressed

  • Hardbounced

  • Softbounced

  • Pending

  • Contactslost

  • Notsent


  • Clickratio

  • Clickthroughratio

  • Deliveredratio

  • Openratio

  • Unsubscribedratio

  • Spamreportratio

  • Hardbounceratio

  • Bounceratio

  • Softbounceratio

  • Contactslostratio

  • Pendingratio

Other fields

  • Ab

  • Ab hours to wait

  • Ab variation

  • Ab sample size default

  • Ab sampling default

  • Ab status

  • Ab success metric

  • Ab test id

  • Ab test percentage

  • Absolute url

  • All email campaign ids

  • Analytics page id

  • Analytics page type

  • Archived

  • Author

  • Author at

  • Author email

  • Author name

  • Author user id

  • Blog email type

  • Blog rss settings

  • Campaign

  • Campaign name

  • Can spam settings id

  • Category id

  • Cloned from

  • Content type category

  • Create page

  • Created

  • Currently published

  • Domain

  • Email body

  • Email note

  • Email type

  • Feedback email category

  • Feedback survey id

  • Flex areas

  • Folder id

  • Freeze date

  • From name

  • Html title

  • Id

  • Is graymail suppression enabled

  • Is local timezone send

  • Is published

  • Is recipient fatigue suppression enabled

  • Lead flow id

  • Live domain

  • Mailing lists excluded

  • Mailing lists included

  • Max rss entries

  • Meta description

  • Name

  • Page expiry date

  • Page expiry redirect id

  • Page redirected

  • Portal id

  • Preview key

  • Processing status

  • Publish date

  • Published at

  • Published by id

  • Published by name

  • Publish immediately

  • Published url

  • Reply to

  • Resolved domain

  • Rss email author line template

  • Rss email blog image max width

  • Rss email by text

  • Rss email click through text

  • Rss email comment text

  • Rss email entry template

  • Rss email entry template enabled

  • Rss email url

  • Rss to email timing

  • Slug

  • Smart email fields

  • Style settings

  • Subcategory

  • Subject

  • Subscription

  • Subscription blog id

  • Subscription_name

  • Template path

  • Transactional

  • Unpublished at

  • Updated

  • Updated by id

  • Url

  • Use rss headline as subject

  • Vids excluded

  • Vids included

  • Widgets

There are more information in HubSpots API documentation. Read more about email metadata fields here. And details about the stats you can get out can be found here.

HubSpot A/B Test Performance

This report gives you stats and metadata on A/B Test Emails sent from within HubSpot. Only test emails are shown in this report.


  • Ab success metric

  • Ab test id

  • Author

  • Author name

  • Bounce

  • Campaign

  • Campaign name

  • Campaign utm

  • Content id

  • Created

  • Created by id

  • Deferred

  • Delivered

  • Dropped

  • Freeze date

  • From name

  • Group id

  • Id

  • Mta dropped

  • Name

  • Open

  • Processed

  • Publish date

  • Published by email

  • Published by id

  • Published by name

  • Sent

  • Subject

  • Subscription

  • Subscription name

  • Updated

  • Updated by id

Funnel derived columns

  • Winner

HubSpot Owners

The HubSpot Owners connector fetches all owners in the connected HubSpot account. This connector does not have the date dimension, all data is always available. An owner is a user that owns an object in HubSpot.

HubSpot default columns:

  • Archived

  • Create Date

  • Email

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Owner Id

  • Teams - Json that contains all teams that the owner belongs to.

  • Updated At

  • User Id

Funnel derived columns:

  • Number of Owners - Adds 1 on each row makes it easier to count.

  • Team Ids - Comma separated list of team ids, derived from the Teams field.

  • Team Names - Comma separated list of team names, derived from the Teams field.

Interesting Links:

HubSpot Tickets

The HubSpot Tickets connector fetches all properties for each ticket in the connected HubSpot account. Both HubSpot defined properties and custom defined properties are included.

Funnel derived columns:

  • Number of Tickets - Adds 1 on each row makes it easier to count.

Pipeline meta data is retrieved using the Pipelines API

  • Pipeline Name - Pretty name based on the id in the Pipeline field.

  • Pipeline Stage Name - Pretty name based on the id on the Pipeline Stage field.

Associations are retrieved using the Associations API.

  • Ticket to deal associations - a list of deal ids related to the ticket

  • Ticket to company associations - a list of company ids related to the ticket

  • Ticket to contact associations - a list of contact ids related to the ticket

Interesting Links:

HubSpot Custom Objects

The HubSpot Custom Objects connector can fetch any custom object you have created in your HubSpot instance.

Association fields are by default not enabled on Custom Objects. If you want Associations on your Custom Object, please reach out to Funnel and we will help out adding this to your data source.

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