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Search Ads 360 - Translation table old vs new connector
Search Ads 360 - Translation table old vs new connector
Julia von Krusenstierna avatar
Written by Julia von Krusenstierna
Updated over a week ago

This table is meant to help you when migrating to the new SA360 connector. Please keep in mind that this table is our best effort to bridge the gap between two different data models and should therefore be seen as a guide, and you may experience differences in behaviour between fields from the two connector versions.

Table of contents


Old SA360 Dimensions

New SA360 Dimensions




Ad description

Text ad description1, Expanded text ad description1,

Expanded dynamic search ad description1

Ad description 2

Text ad description2, Expanded text ad description2,

Expanded dynamic search ad description2

Ad display URL

Ad display URL

Ad engine ID

Ad engine ID

Ad group

Ad group

Ad group engine ID

Ad group engine ID

Ad group ID

Ad group ID

Values in these fields do not match due to model change in SA360.

Ad group labels

Ad group labels

Ad group status

Ad group status

Ad group target ID


Target reports is not yet implemented in the new connector

Ad group type

Ad group type

Ad headline

Expanded text ad headline, Text ad headline

Ad headline 2

Expanded text ad headline 2

Ad headline 3

Expanded text ad headline 3



Values in these fields do not match due to model change in SA360.

Ad labels

Ad labels

Ad landing page

Ad final URL

Ad promotion line


Not supported in new SA360. Read more: Behavior Changes for Search Ads 360 Fields


Direct manager

Advertiser entity is replaced with the Sub-Manager account entity in the new SA360 model. The Direct Manager field represents a Sub-Manager account when the connected Client Account is directly managed by a Sub-Manager (as opposed to managed by the top level Manager Account). Values in these fields do not match. Read more: About manager accounts in the new Search Ads 360

Advertiser ID

Direct manager ID

Advertiser entity is replaced with the Sub-Manager account entity in the new SA360 model. The Direct Manager field represents a Sub-Manager account when the connected Client Account is directly managed by a Sub-Manager (as opposed to managed by the top level Manager Account). Values in these fields do not match. Read more: About manager accounts in the new Search Ads 360

Age target range


Target reports is not yet implemented in the new connector


Direct manager name

Agency entity is replaced with the Manager Account entity in the new SA360 model. The Direct Manager field represents a Manager Account when the connected Client Account is directly managed by a Manager Account (as opposed to a Sub-Manager Account). Values in these fields do not match. Read more: About manager accounts in the new Search Ads 360

Agency ID

Direct manager ID

Agency entity is replaced with the Manager Account entity in the new SA360 model. The Direct Manager field represents a Manager Account when the connected Client Account is directly managed by a Manager Account (as opposed to a Sub-Manager Account). Values in these fields do not match. Read more: About manager accounts in the new Search Ads 360



Campaign engine ID

Campaign engine ID

Campaign ID

Campaign ID

Values in these fields do not match due to model change in SA360.

Campaign labels

Campaign labels

Campaign status

Campaign status

Campaign target ID


Target reports is not yet implemented in the new connector

Campaign type

Campaign type

Conversion ID

Conversion ID

Conversion attribution type

Conversion attribution type

Conversion timestamp

Conversion timestamp

Conversion type

Conversion Action Type

Conversion visit external click ID

Conversion visit external click ID

Conversion visit timestamp

Conversion visit date time

Country targets

Geo targets

Effective bid strategy

Bidding strategy

Effective bid strategy ID

Bidding strategy ID

Effective keyword max CPC

Effective keyword max CPC

Effective labels


Not supported in new SA360. Read more: Field mappings for Search Ads 360 Reporting API


Account type

Engine Account

Client account

Engine account entity is replaced with the Client account entity in the new SA360 model. Values in these fields do not match.

Engine Account ID

Client account ID

Engine account entity is replaced with the Client account entity in the new SA360 model. Values in these fields might match, unsure.

Floodlight activity

Conversion action ame

Floodlight activity ID

Floodlight activity ID

Floodlight activity tag

Floodlight activity group tag

Floodlight event request string


Not supported in new SA360. Read more: Behavior Changes for Search Ads 360 Fields

Floodlight group


Not supported in new SA360. Read more: Behavior Changes for Search Ads 360 Fields

Floodlight group ID


Not supported in new SA360. Read more: Behavior Changes for Search Ads 360 Fields

Floodlight order ID

Floodlight order ID

Gender target type


Target reports is not yet implemented in the new connector

Historical Quality Score

Historical quality Score

Keyword ID

Keyword ID

Keyword clickserver URL

Tracking URL template

Keyword engine ID

Keyword engine ID

Keyword labels

Keyword labels

Keyword landing page

Keyword final URL

Keyword match type

Keyword match type

Keyword max CPC

Keyword max CPC

Keyword status

Keyword status

Keyword text

Keyword text

Location target


Target reports is not yet implemented in the new connector

Merchant ID

Merchant ID

Product Country

Product country

Product Country Code

Product country code

Product ID

Product item ID

Product channel

Product channel

Product store ID

Product store ID

Tracking URL Template

Tracking URL template


Old SA360 Metrics

New SA360 Metrics




Not replaced by a single field. According to SA360 documentation it is replaced by All conversions - metrics.cross_device_conversions, which are available through the new Funnel connector.

More info: Field mappings for Search Ads 360 Reporting API

AdWords VT conversions

Client account view-through conversions

AdWords conversion value

Client account conversion value

AdWords conversions

Client account conversions

Average position


Not supported in new SA360



Conversion quantity

Conversion quantity

Conversion revenue

Conversion revenue





Quality score

Historical quality score



Not replaced by a single field. According to SA360 documentation it is replaced by All conversions value - Cross-device conversions value, which are available through the new Funnel connector.

More info: Field mappings for Search Ads 360 Reporting API

Search Absolute Top Impression Share

Search Absolute Top Impression Share

Search budget Lost Top Impression Share

Search budget Lost Top Impression Share

Search budget lost impression share

Search budget lost impression share

Search impression share

Search impression share

Search rank lost impression share

Search rank lost impression share

Search Rank Lost Absolute Impression Share

Search Rank Lost Absolute Impression Share

Search Rank Lost Top Impression Share

Search Rank Lost Top Impression Share



Not replaced by a single field. According to SA360 documentation it is replaced by All conversions value - Cross-device conversions value, which are available through the new Funnel connector.

More info: Field mappings for Search Ads 360 Reporting API

Total position


Calculated metric in the old SA360 connector using a field that is not available in the new SA360 API



Saved columns

Custom columns

Read more: Custom columns

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