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Campaign dimensions in Funnel

This article describes the main campaign dimensions that exist in Funnel and how they are commonly used

Gustav Karlsson avatar
Written by Gustav Karlsson
Updated over a week ago

There are many different campaign dimensions that you might get in contact with when using Funnel. Here are some of the important ones:

  • Campaign (custom)

  • GA campaign (native to Google Analytics)

  • Ad campaign name (custom, no longer included by default in Funnel Workspaces)

  • Ad campaign type (custom, no longer included by default in Funnel Workspaces)

Each of these are described in more detail below. On top of this many data sources have a native campaign dimension.

The Campaign custom dimension can be created from template and contains a set of default rules created by Funnel, which you can override yourself. The Ad campaign name and Ad campaign type also include default rules created by Funnel but please be aware that these two custom dimensions are no longer included in new Funnel Workspaces. 

Ad campaign name

The Ad campaign name dimension combines campaign names from all your data sources. Funnel has a default set of rules that picks the native dimension out of every data source that best matches the 'campaign' concept; in most data sources there is a native dimension called 'campaign', but this is not always the case, for instance Funnel uses the 'Directory' dimension from Capterra as campaign. You can override these rules if you want to use different native dimensions. 

Ad campaign name does not include data from tracking platforms like Google Analytics.

Ad campaign type

The Ad campaign type dimension combines data from a handful of data sources together that are related to 'campaign type', like Adwords 'Campaign type' and Bing 'Ad Distribution'.  As with other custom dimensions these rules can be overridden.

GA campaign

The values in the dimension GA campaign are the same as the UTM-parameter utm_campaign. If you want to learn more about UTM-tags or are unsure how to best use UTM-parameters for your campaigns, please take a look at the Google Analytics UTM tagging best practices article. 

The GA campaign dimension is pulled from Google Analytics and will therefore only show values for GA data. This means that the GA campaign dimension will show '(no value)' for ad platform data, as well as '(not set)' when Google Analytics haven't been able to recognise any set utm_campaign value for the specific traffic data. The latter will be the case if the traffic for example is direct or if you haven't specified any utm_campaign value when creating the ad campaign. 


The custom Campaign dimension works exactly the same way as Ad campaign name, with the exception that:

  • Data from tracking platforms in also included, for instance Google Analytics utm_campaign;

  • Campaign names are truncated to 100 characters.

In order for you to to get value from the Campaign dimension straight out of the box, the GA utm_campaign tags and the campaign names in the ad platforms need to be exactly the same

Let's say that you:

  1. have a Facebook campaign called “My campaign”, and

  2. the traffic generated by this campaign can be found in Google Analytics with the GA Campaign value “My campaign”

then this mean that you will get the Campaign value “My campaign” in Funnel with data both from the Facebook ad account and from Google Analytics. 

If the ad campaign name and utm_campaign value differ in lower and upper case letters, then this article can help you overcome this problem. For other differences between the two dimensions, you might need to write complementary rules for how the data should be matched. 

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