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How to connect AppsFlyer

Aggregated vs Raw Data reports

Niclas Bångman avatar
Written by Niclas Bångman
Updated over a week ago

As of September 5, 2023, V1 API tokens will stop working. It is recommended to only connect new sources with V2 tokens, and to reconnect all existing data sources using V1 tokens using a V2 token. More information below.



  • API Token - The API token can be found in the API Token page of your AppsFlyer app page. All admins can retrieve V2.0 token.

    Please see AppsFlyer documentation for more information.
    Note: Please make sure you are using a Advertiser (app owner) token if you are connecting a Aggregated: SKAdNetwork performance report.

  • App ID  - Login to your AppsFlyer account at My apps where your App ID can be found under the App name. It will have the reverse URL format for Android apps (eg. ) and an ID for iPhone apps (eg id123456789 ).

API access needed

Go to Integration > API Access to view the list.

  • Raw Data pull API - Needed for all Raw Data reports

  • Organic Raw Data pull API - Needed for all Organic Raw Data reports

  • Performance reports pull API - Needed for Aggregated reports

V1 vs V2 API Tokens

As mentioned in the beginning of the article, AppsFlyer will stop support V1 API tokens September 5, 2023. For the connector to continue to download data you must.

  • Find the sources using V1 tokens by looking at the Definition label in Funnel.

  • Try to reconnect one source to start with and verify that the download is working

  • If you have several more sources, use the opportunity to reconnect sources in bulk by selecting several sources.

  • N.b. the Definition label will not reflect the token used immediately. So even though it says V1 token after the reconnect, V2 token will be used but the definitional label will show V1 for up to 24 hours.

Reports available

Raw Data reports
AppsFlyer premium feature, read more about these reports here.

  • In-App events

  • Installs

  • Uninstalls

  • Organic In-App events

  • Organic Installs

Aggregated reports
Read more about these reports here.

  • Daily Report

  • Geo by Date

  • Partner by Date

  • SKAdNetwork performance

Report differences

Dimensions & metrics

The Raw Data reports has more granularity in that it has a lot more dimensions and where each row is an event. The Aggregated report has fewer dimensions but has aggregated metrics (i.e. Sessions, Loyal Users) as well as Cost data (in the Daily Partner report).

Country definitions

  • The country of the installation is used in the Aggregated reports.

  • The country of the event is used for Raw Data reports.

Organic data

  • Aggregated report include both paid and organic data.

  • Raw Data reports has paid and organic in different reports (and organic reports require specific AppsFlyer permissions).

LTV vs Activity

  • The Aggregated reports contain metrics with Life Time Values (LTV) and shows each event aggregated on the Install Date.

  • The Raw Data reports show each event attributed to the Event Date (aka Activity Date).

That means that a purchase made today will be shown if you look at today for Raw Data reports, but it will be shown for the date the user installed the App (up to 2 years back) for the Aggregated reports.
The Aggregated reports will match how the AppsFlyer UI aggregates the data. However if you compare the Raw Data reports with the AppsFlyer UI you will have to look at the Install Date in Funnel instead of the ordinary Date dimension.
Read more about what AppsFlyer says about the date attribution differences here.

Historical data

  • For Aggregated reports we go back until the date of the first app install recorded in AppsFlyer or maximum 2 years back (unless more is requested). The SKAdNetwork performance reports support data from 1 November 2020 at the earliest.

  • For Raw data reports we go up to 90 days back, depending on user quota limitations.

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