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Troubleshoot: AppsFlyer Single Source of Truth (SSOT) report in Funnel
Troubleshoot: AppsFlyer Single Source of Truth (SSOT) report in Funnel
Ishan Shekhar avatar
Written by Ishan Shekhar
Updated over a week ago

If you have enabled the SSOT report in AppsFlyer to accurately attribute users and remove duplicate data after iOS 14 changes, and are now looking to replicate it in Funnel, this guide is ideal for you.

It helps you use the SSOT mechanism to correct misattributions, calculate associated metrics accurately, and prevent double-counting users by considering multiple data streams including SKAdNetwork and Apple Search Ads.

How to replicate this data in Funnel

Appsflyer's SSOT report, which does not have a singular endpoint or API, is constructed from multiple report data and you will need to follow the same process in Funnel using the guide provided by Appsflyer.

Example metrics such as non-organic installs, organic installs, eCPI, and Cohorted revenue can be calculated using the af_attribution_flag.

This guide demonstrates how to replicate these calculations for non-organic installs, but it can be applied to any other metric as well.

Formula to calculate Non-organic install metrics:

To calculate Non-organic install metrics, you can follow the steps below:

1. Data Source A: Non-organic AppsFlyer Installs

Connect a data source in Funnel for your AppsFlyer appid and select the report type: 'Raw Data: Installs report'. This report, denoted as 'A' in the image, represents the total number of non-organic installs reported by AppsFlyer. We recommend naming the source in Funnel appropriately for ease of identification, e.g., "A: Non-organic AppsFlyer installs".

2. Data Source B: SKAN unique installs

Connect another data source for the same appid. This time, select the Report Type as 'Aggregated: SKAdNetwork performance report', and view type as 'Unified (Installs + Redownloads)'. This report, denoted as 'B' above, provides all the SKAdNetwork installs. It includes a flag termed 'af_attribution_flag' which is either true or false. If it's false, it indicates a unique install, excluding duplicates already counted in the 'A' report. We have named this report as "B: SKAN installs (unified)".

Upon connecting these two reports in Funnel, they would appear similar to the image shown.

After connecting these reports, you can proceed to create a custom metric, 'C: All non-organic installs'. This involves the summation of all values from 'A' where the Event name is 'install', summed under the "Count" metric. To this sum, add only the unique installs reported by SKAdNetwork where the 'AF attribution flag' is false.

In conclusion, the method explained above provides a clear way to calculate Non-organic install metrics by utilizing two data sources, 'A: Non-organic AppsFlyer installs' and 'B: SKAN installs (unified)', in Funnel. This approach ensures accurate data reporting by considering unique installs and eliminating duplicates.

For calculating Organic installs, you have two options:

1. The straightforward method: Simply connect the 'Organic Installs' report in Funnel to directly get the data.

2. Utilize the formula: Organic Installs = Total Installs - Non Organic Installs.

To use the second method, you need to connect the 'Aggregated: Daily Report' to Funnel to retrieve the total installs data. The subtraction of Non-organic installs (calculated as explained earlier) from the Total Installs will yield the count of Organic Installs.

Both options have their pros and cons, but they provide flexibility based on your specific needs or the data reporting style that suits your operation best. By following this guide, you can effectively reproduce Appsflyer's SSOT report in Funnel to maintain accurate measures of your app's install metrics.

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