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How Funnel handles Core Connector Feedback

More information on how Funnel thinks about extensions of out of the box connectors

Johan Hansson avatar
Written by Johan Hansson
Updated over a week ago


Did you know that in the first iteration of Funnel, you could only import six metrics and dimensions from four platforms? Today, Funnel provides a library of around 250 connectors that you can use to connect to platforms out of the box, with several thousands of fields available. We call them core connectors.

The journey to building out this library of core connectors has relied on our great customers giving us feedback on what data they need to do their job and alignment with our mission to make data easy for marketers.

In addition, we are always looking for new functionality releases from existing platforms and which new platforms are up-and-coming. With the help of feedback, we can make even better decisions on how to prioritize keeping the core connector library up-to-date, to serve as many customers as possible.

How we work with core connector data feedback

We are continuously considering how to make it easier to work with Funnel and satisfy our customers' data needs. However, our priority will always be keeping Funnel's existing product stable and up-to-date.

So this means that we are not triaging and investigating feedback on connector data extensions until the team responsible for a platform has time, contrasting how we handle issue reports.

When it's time to look at how we can improve Funnel core connectors, feedback from our customers and finding patterns help us prioritize where similar feedback from several customers will get higher priority.

Common questions

How do I send feedback for a core connector

You can use the following form to submit a core connector feedback case.
Google form

Can I have a timeline for when Funnel will add core connector feedback to the product?

There are several reasons why we don't give out a promise when we will look into specific feedback.

  • Availability is a priority- We always prioritize keeping the current version of Funnel running as well as possible. If we define a date for looking into each customer need, this will risk several customers experiencing more issues with the current product than usual.

  • Investigation takes time - Investigating the feasibility of adding more data to a core connector usually takes the most time. Instead of starting many investigations to provide timelines, it is more efficient to look into one group of feedback at a time when we have decided to look into it.

  • More data = Better decisions - The best time to make a decision is as late as possible when we have the best information. If we queued feedback in a first come, first served fashion, we would miss the opportunity to use the latest information on how many have asked for specific data. For core connectors, we optimize for all our customers.

But what if I need the data now?

Our first suggestion would be to look into if the data can be imported through Funnel's self-serve functionality until we have had the chance to extend the core connectors. Read more about it here:

If it's business-critical for you, please get in touch with your customer contact at Funnel, and we will consider the additional information.

How can I improve the chance that my need for additional data will be added as soon as possible?

Try to fill out all the information asked for in the form.

Adding more context on how the additional data will be used is helpful. For example, what are you trying to achieve with the data? Is it a common use case that, from your knowledge, will be used by other marketers? Providing examples of use cases will help us get a better picture.

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